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Struckers project carried on for years putting people through a lot of pain in torture. He made everything painful, and didn't sugar code it.

By the end of his project only three survived, and they were the Maximoff siblings. Pietro, Wanda, and Percy.

The sibling have been put through brutal, and cruel experiments from being starved to being abused physically and mentally.

They were brought up to hate Tony Stark the man who killed their parents, and to hate the avengers.

Being the only successful subjects the Maximoff's had to train day and night to get a hand of their powers.

Wanda was trained in her powers over Telekinesis, and the Manipulation of the mind.

Pietro with his superspeed. They would have him run around the facility to increase his speed, and made sure they put a collar on the teen so he would run away.

Then Percy, the scientist trained him harder than his siblings for his powers over all liquids. Struckers had him trained to fight their best agents until he won.

That was a year ago now the sibling have grown. Pietro grew in size from being lean to beefy his once brown hair now had blonde streaks.

Wanda grew in height but everything else about her stayed the same she was still the beautiful brunette girl.

And Percy, he could barely recognise himself. His once pale skin now  tanned and golden, sea green eyes brighter than before almost glowing, his once chubby face slimmed.

The siblings were all held in the same wing of the building after months of begging, and annoying the guards, manly Percy.

But they were happy they get to see each other more than before. Now the sibling are in their cages Wanda floating blocks, Pietro running around the small space, and Percy was playing with the liquid in the air making animals out of water.

He was just in the middle of making a horse with wings when the buildings alarm went off. The water Percy was once playing with splashed on the floor.

Wanda got so scared she crashed the blocks together breaking them, and Pietro ran into a wall.

"What the hell?" Pietro whispered. "What's going on?" He asked as guards passed them in there cages.


More guards ran down the hallways. Two stopped at Pietro, and Percy's cages.

"The avengers are here." One spoke with a thick Russian accent.

"Wait that means Tony is here." Percy spoke venom. He held a huge distaste for the man who killed his parents, causing him and his siblings to walk the streets hungry.

"Yes." That simple answer sent Percy into kill mode. He's always wanted that man to die from what he's done, and now he's finally gonna get his chance.

The door to his and Pietro's cage opened, then the men went to open Wanda's. Her cage was a little more secure because of her powers.

"Now, listen here yo-" blood poured from both mens eyes, and nose and he fell down face first. Dead.

"I hated him." Percy sighed. Wanda looked shocked at her baby brother. "Already enough waiting around let's go."

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