Winter battle

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Percy pov.

Wanda, Pietro and I stood by the doors listening to the gun fire outside. Wanda grabbed my hand and I assume she grabbed Pietro's too.

"Whatever happens promise me you'll both be safe." She spoke squeezing my hand. I gave her a pat on the back.

"Sister we will be fine." I gave her one of my brightest smiles.

"Yeah, no need to worry little sister." Pietro reassured her. "We'll be safe." Wanda gave us a stare.

"You better. You both are the only family I have left." Wanda spoke her eyes casted themselves to the floor.

"Wanda I can tell you with confidence that we'll be safe. Now can I go?" I asked a little excited about fighting the people that didn't give a damn about my home and let it suffer.

"Fine." She sighed and I jumped with joy. "No getting hurt you both promised."



Third pov.

Pietro speeds through the forest and knocks down Clint. "You didn't see that coming?" The he zooms off before Clint could shoot an arrow at him.

"Clint!" Natasha yells.

Pietro knocks down Steve as he speeds passed him. "We have an enhanced on the field." Cap informed the avengers.

"Clint's hit!" Natasha goes over to where Clint is lying down. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" She asked over the ear piece. She sees the Hulk coming to the rescue. "Thank you."

"Stark, we're really need to get inside." Steve says as he fights off a couple soldiers.

"I'm closing in." Tony tells Steve. "JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?"

"There's a pathway below the North tower." The A.I system informs the man.

"Great, I wanna poke it with something." Stark blows up the Invisible shield on the base.
"Drawbridge is down, people." He tells the others.

"The enhanced?" Thor asked Steve.

"He's a blur. All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this." Steve says.

"I wouldn't say never to early spandex." Percy says as he materializes from the air. "I feel like I'm something special." He placed his hand on his heart acting hurt.

"Who are you?" Steve asked the small teen.

"Someone worth mentioning." Percy smirks and gathers water from the water vapor in the air and sent it straight for Caps head.

The super solider dodged the attack just barely. "Guys we got another enhanced."

"You've got to be kidding me?" Tony sighs.

"I'm afraid not." Percy manipulates the snow to trap Steven where he stood.

"Finally, I was beginning to think we do the whole Tom and Jerry stick." The young  teen rolls his eyes.

"Guys, I'm stuck." Steve messages his team.

"On my way Captain." Thor says as he takes into the air and finds Steve and the teen. The god throws his hammers at the boy.

Percy felt something heavy and fast rip through the air coming towards himself. He turns around quickly and catches the hammer with one hand. "Woah! I can't wait to tell Wanda I cought a hammer." He whispered to himself.

Thor takes the boys distracted state to rush him. The god and the teen tumble around in the snow ultimately Percy won.

The teen lifted the hammer prepared to slam it on Thor's face when Caps shield hit him in his sides.

"God damnit! That hurt." Percy says holding his sides. He gets up to face the two avengers with Thor's hammer  in his hand. "For old people you sure do have great stamina." Percy complements before throwing the hammer at Steve and blasting Thor with snow. "This was fun but I gotta go, bye-bye." He disappeared into thin air.

Percy appeared next to his sister who was waiting behind a wall. "Hey, sis." Wanda jumps in fright.

"Don't do that." She hit his shoulder playfully.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a hush tone.

"Waiting." She says.

"Waiting for what?" He asked just as Steve walked into the room to speak with Strucker. "When was he here?" He asked and Wanda shushed him.

"Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug." Steve says to the man.

"Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD." Strucker smart mouths Cap.

"Well then technically you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?" Steve asked the man.

"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope." Strucker says jokingly.

"I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." Steve says as Wanda creeps up behind him. "How many are there?" Steve asked. Suddenly, Wanda knocks Steve down using her telekinetic powers and quickly leaves.

"We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." Steve tells the others. He looks at Strucker.

"You'll have to be faster than ..." Strucker teases the super soldier. Steve uses his shield to knock out Strucker.

"Guys, I got Strucker." Steve informs the team.

"Yeah, I got something bigger." Inside the secret passageway Stark finds a room with recovered artifacts from the Battle of New York, including a gigantic Chitauri leviathan and some of his Iron Man scrapped armor, he then spots the scepter. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize." He informs his teammate.

Wanda creeps up behind him and uses her powers on him. Tony starts to see illusions of things he feared.

Wanda, Percy and Pietro watch as Tony grabs the scepter. "We're gonna let them take it?" Pietro asked.

Wanda smiles to herself as Tony takes the scepter. "Yeah we are now let's leave." Percy says grabbing his siblings by their shoulders and vapor travels them away from the base.

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