Chapter 1

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"Hey, I got a suggestion: Let's stop. I know it's fun, but let's just. . ." Fliare said, clearly exhausted. She bent her body with her long hair hanging in front of her, and ended up dropping to the ground. She could feel Peter laugh.

"I thought vampires don't get tired." he muttered and sat beside her. His blond hair was shinning in the dark. His blue eyes focusing on her, his face was-

"Wait a sec, Miss Vampire. You didn't tell me you had multi-coloured eyes. . ." Peter said slowly, observing her face even more now. He grinned and raised an eyebrow. "I thought they were black?"

"Yeah. . .it is. But well, something weird happened today, you see. I can change it from black to multi and back again. I'm blessed by Aphrodite. She gave me this, um, ability. I wonder if my Mom has powers like that.

That would have been awesome, right?"

"Duh. And wow, it's so. . ." Peter began but was interupted by someone-who was calling his name loudly. In an instant, he looked away from Fliare and towards the voice.

Maria-Peter's 'kind-of' girlfriend- was rushing towards him. She seemed excited and happy but she was. . .obviously hiding her anger. Well, maybe not that obvious, since Peter didn't seem to realise a thing. Why was she angry? Fliare had no idea.

Maria was not the kind of girl who gets mad. She's nice, kind, funny and smart, okay-looking and an excellent fighter, even better than Fliare herself.

But somehow, Peter never admitted that they were two a couple. He would deny and deny. Fliare was used to that. "Hey, Maria. What's up?" Peter asked, smiling. Maria brushed her blond hair away from her face and managed a smile too.

"The sky?"

"Ugh. Not funny. Normal jokes." said Peter, rolling his eyes.

"At least I tried. Who said I was telling a joke anyway?"

"You-" Peter began then he took a quick glance at Fliare who was now interested in her shoes. They are black. Yay, she thought. My favourite colour rocks.

"Lose of words, huh? Anyway, I was jut checking out what you two were doing. Sorry if I interupted." she said slow of softly.

Fliare felt her glare. She looked up, but insted of looking at her, Maria was starring at Peter. Oh, Fliare thought quietly.

Just then too, she saw something moving in the bushes, really fast and sharp-not like any monsters she had ever fight. Fliare suddenly felt energy flowing through her body, she felt alive.

But it may be just another demigod, playing tricks, she thought. Maybe, and maybe not. . .

Don't go near it. . .she told herself.

But there she was, near the bushes. She stood there for a while, doing nothing except looking. She walked away then, telling herself it was nothing. . .

"Hey." she heard someone saying. It was a teenage boy voice-soft and sweet. She stopped. And turned. . .

There was a boy who looked about 17. His face, cold and sharp, unlike his voice. His white-blond hair glowed. He grinned at her and immediately Fliare's instict asked her to run.

Run! Run! Run! Danger, danger, danger.

But she stood there at the exact spot, feeling emotionless.


Writter's note:

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment pretty pls? :)

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