Chapter 4

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After taking a long bath, (Fliare liked taking a shower, it gave her time to think) she went to the cabinet and took a short yellow dress and put it on herself. She went to the dressing table. There was a comb on it, without any mirror. Sighing, Fliare combed her hair quickly and dashed out of the room, going out from the door she didn't notice before.

Next to her room, were several other rooms, all of them had their doors closed. Bravely, she cracked the door next to hers open–

"What. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing?"

Turning around very slowly, Fliare gulped. Sebastian was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, his eyebrow raised. Fliare sighed and replied as calmly as possible, "I bet you expected me to do that–"

"That was what my sister did. Yes, I expected it." Sebastian's eyes seemed to darken as he said the word 'sister' but that may have been her imagination, Fliare thought.

"Um, sorry but did you and your sister, like, have a fight or something? Just asking."

"None of your business. You can come down to eat, if you want to." he said and walked away. Fliare followed him from behind. "So," she said. "Those clothes in my cabinet, are their hers?" she asked curiously.

"Maybe." Sebastian replied after a long moment of awkward silence.

"It fits me, though." she mumbled then added, "You enjoy fighting, don't you? Where's. . .Are my friends okay?"

"I don't think I hurt them." he answered softly.

Fliare's body felt full of relief. They're okay. They're alright. She knew perfectly that it would have been her fault if they were injured. It was her fault to go closer to Sebastian. It was her fault for not following her own Instincts.

They went down the stairs and into what seemed like the kitchen. They sat around a circle-shaped glass table. Fliare hit the table twice softly. . .and to her relief it didn't break. Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "What was that for? Nevermind. So," he said. "What do you want to eat. I he plenty of food: chicken, lamb, vegetables if you're vegetarian, fish–"

"Uh, why are you treating me like a V.I.P?" Fliare asked, her head on the table. She was still sleepy.

"A V.I.P? What's that?" Sebastian asked.

"You don't know what V.I.P? Oh my gods. Well, it's the short form for 'Very Important Person' and. . ." Her hand was buzzing with questions. How could Sebastian not know what's V.I.P? Every mortal do. So maybe. . .maybe, Sebastian wasn't a mortal?


(Short chapter, sorry! Btw, I hope people ar

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