Chapter 3

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With a jerk, Fliare woke up, feeling numb. She was on a black-coloured bed that had a few beautiful turquoise patterns on it. Almost immediately, she fell in love with the bed. But since when did she have such nice bed. . .

Memories of what happened on the day of the Halloween Party flashed through her mind. As if the bed was poisonous, Fliare jumped off it and landed on the floor. Then she looked around at her surroundings; she was in a white-painted room which had a bathroom connected, a dressing table, an air-conditioner, the bed and a cabinet only. Fliare realised that she was still wearing the black dress. She sighed and moved towards the cabinet and opened it.

It was full of clothes and shoes–mostly dresses and flat shoes (like the kind that she loved) but it also had a few jeans and shirts. Just a very pathetic few. Maybe two sets of it, and that was all.

She closed the cabinet as she heard footsteps coming to her room. She jumped to the bed and faked her sleep, closing her eyes and putting her head against the pillow.

The next thing she heard was a door opening–a door she didn't notice maybe–

"I know you're awake. You don't have to pretend, you know. I purposely made loud footsteps to see what you were going to do–to react. Fake sleeping wasn't something I thought you would do. Interesting." said a voice beside her which was weirdly familiar. Sebastian.

Fliare, ignoring what he said, continued her act.

"You have a guest to meet. That boy of yours." she heard Sebastian say and in an instant, she turned her body to face him. He laughed. "Just kidding. Like hell, I would allow that. Besides, they don't even know where we are."

Fliare raised her eyebrows. "It's just us two?" she asked, playing with the hem of her shirt. It was a bad habit of hers.

"Not too soon. You'll get more company later. . ."

"You mean you'll kidnap more people or demigods later? I'd rather not let you to do that. We demigods are smart and powerful and you're you. See? I don't even know who you are!" she mumbled furiously.

"If you demigods are so smart. You'll do as I command. And who said it'll be demigods who I'll use as company? There's so many things you don't know. . .Fliare." he told her.

"How do you know my name? And if there's many things that I'm too stupid"–at this, Sebastian smiled–" to know, just tell me them. I can handle it!"

"But I don't trust you. I'll give you a week or less maybe to think about this great information I will be giving you only if you are loyal to me and pledge by the Angel or any other thing you believe in, that you would serve by my side."

"Why do you want me? And you still haven't told me who you are!"

"I told you. I am Sebastian. And I am someone you wish you didn't shout at." His lips curled into a cold smile. And with that, he left, leaving the furious Fliare Quin behi

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