Chapter 5

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"So," said Sebastian as he served the girl chicken and french fries. Fliare hesitated to eat them but she was hungry. (Well, she's almost always hungry but this time, she was hungry hungry.) And the smell of the food told her that they were delicious. "What do you demigods do?"he asked.

"Nothing." Fliare lied. She took a bite of a fries. It was indeed lovely with the taste of salt and potatoes. She didn't hesitate this time to take more fries.

"Liar. You guys can't possibly be a race of people that are half-human, half-god and you stay in that camp of yours and fight, fight, fight, and do nothing? Haha. Yeah right."

But Fliare smirked. "I would tell you more about us–"

"You told exactly nothing to me yet. And if you say, 'I'll give you information if you let me out.' Well, mhm, it would be an agreement, I guess." Sebastian said as his mouth curled into a smile.

"Okay. Deal. So here's the thing. We do do nothing. We just fight for the 'future' to protect ourselves from danger such as monsters," Fliare wanted to say, "monsters like you," but held herself back. "and other dangerous thingies and when we're older, we're allowed to go on quests. And sometimes, very seldom though, our godly parent will enter our dreams or come to us directly–that's only if they care enough for us–and then they'll do whatever they want. I don't even know much myself." Fliare knew that her voice sounded hurt and bitter, and that Hecate, her godly parent, was probably watching her now–or maybe not–but still, her mother isn't here to save her from some physho guy. Maybe it's because Fliare wasn't one of those popular and great demigods.

That's when she also realised that she may have told this Sebastian dude too much information. She panicked. How silly of her. She told herself to calm down.

"Done?" she asked after a moment of awkward silence. Sebastian seemed to be lost in his thoughts–whatever his thoughts were anyway. World domination, perhaps?, Fliare thought.

"No. I need to know. . .who's your godly parent?"

"What for? Ugh. Nevermind. I never talk much about her but she's Hecate." she said and she finished her fries. "MOM IF YOU'RE WATCHING THIS, SAVE ME." she pleaded out loud.

"Hecate?" Sebastian questioned.

"Hecate. Yeah, why?"

"Which goddess is Hecate? I've only heard of a few...I guess she's not one of the important ones?" Sebastian mussed. Fliare wondered why he wasn't blast off by Hecate yet. He had insulted her! He'd say that she wasn't important! How is he not killed yet?

"Such an insult." Fliare said bitterly. "Ah, and by the way, she's the goddess of magic and...stuff."

Another moment of awkward silence.

"Interesting." Sebastan said finally. "I'm sorry, but you can't go. Since you already know a lot about me–"

"WHAT? Well, I won't tell anybody! And I thought we had a deal! You–"

"No, you won't tell. But people will ask. And about the deal–you didn' ask me to swear by what I believe." Sebastian said and stood up.

Suddenly Fliare felt dizzy. She dropped from the chair but as swiftly as ever, Sebastian caught her and now she was glently placed on his laps. She heard him laugh. "I feel so sorry for you. Such a clueless girl. . .ah."

And that was the last thing she heard before everything turned black and she dropped into nothingness.

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