Chapter Eleven

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AC watches as Grace clings to Silas, her body seeming crumpled and exhausted. She was so close to being killed. Her life a breath away from being cut away, and if Silas hadn't reached her when he did... AC shook his head, looking to his hands. How could he have let this happen? He let himself get distracted and play hero, making choices for people when he had no right to. Choosing to not tell Grace about her parents was wrong, so wrong, it wasn't his to keep. That information belonged to her and he withheld.

Grace was right. He lied to her and he was disgusted with himself for it.

Macaria walked beside him silently, her tension building within AC's own chest. He knew she was dying to speak out, her anger rolling off of her in waves. He wondered if he should just ask and get it over with, not exactly sure what he was willing to hear from her right now. Her actions were foreign to him. Macaria was never one to get jealous and AC knew it had to be more than something so petty.

"God, would you just spit out what you want to say already!" Her words where hushed and harsh.

AC simply shook his head, "I'm not the one who has something to say, Macaria."

"What and I do?"

"I don't get it, what all this is about," his words made Macaria stop on a dime. She regarded him incredulously. "I mean, how can be so jealous you'd just let her die?"

She scoffed, shaking her head and shoving him by his shoulder. "You are such a fool, AC."

He watched her storm away, leaving him to stand with his mouth agape after her. What was he not getting? What part of everything that has happened did he miss? Since he found Grace and decided to help her, Macaria has been so distant. He could feel the strain of their tether with every tug in the opposite direction.

Bodhin met them at the entrance of the Gardens, Alaynah holding a torch beside him. He ran to aid Silas with Grace's slumping body. Her didn't want to move anymore, feeling weak from running and the weight of all that's happened. Silas nods to Alaynah who places herself steadily in front of AC and Macaria who watched as Silas lifted Grace into his arms, Bodhin helping them to her room. Grace felt sound and weightless in his arms. His muscles didn't even tense as he carried her easily.

Macaria bumped into AC's shoulder as she pushed past him toward her own house. He knew not to follow her, looking to Alaynah for some sort of console but she only shook her had with tight lips. He had disappointed and hurt more people than he thought. The pain and loneliness sinking deep within him as he realized how drastic this just was.

He counted everyone that had been upset with him, thinking over their reasonings and all that he has put them through. All that he has been through the past couple of days. He missed Macaria, her sly remarks and careful banter. Her company when his mind was this messy. But he couldn't ignore the feelings that bloomed in his heart for Grace.

On top of everything that had been said and done, in the very end, AC had tainted the King's, his King's, trust. The man who gave him everything and trusted him in return.

AC didn't understand himself. Why hadn't he gone to Silas? Why would he keep it all to himself? About Grace and about Macaria – Silas would have known exactly what to do. Although conflicted with his feelings of not sharing things that weren't his to share, did that make all of it all right? Has it ever?

His body dropped onto one of the logs before the snuffed-out fire. He missed his own bed, missed his books and missed when everything made sense. Then he decided, with the rising sun, AC will seek redemption and forgiveness, knowing well that it's not deserved.

Bodhin was light on his feet as he appeared behind AC, his features flat and stiff. Unlike him entirely, "The King has requested your appearance in his quarters."

AC knew this wasn't going to be smooth. He nodded grimly and stood to follow Bodhin. Having had many visits here for missions or scouting sessions, AC knew the way well. He could have very well come alone, but he knew there was no chance of Bodhin sending AC alone.

As the door opened, he noticed Macaria standing off the side of the desk with her thin arms crossed over her chest and Melinoe standing in the corner with her head down. Zacreus was no where in sight, which could only mean one thing. Melinoe was there to ensure their truth.

Bodhin closed the door, leaving them alone. Silas turned to Macaria first, "What do you know of Grace?"

Macaria glanced to Melinoe who was now starring intently at her, "I don't know much, Silas. I suspect, of course, that she must be a traitor of sorts having survived the falls. Especially with the involvement of Realm Hunters. AC has decided to keep, not only you in the dark, but me as well."

Silas turned to Melinoe, who gave a small nod, before facing AC. "What do you know of Grace?"

"Grace," AC took a subtle deep breath, "I found her in the woods at night, alone. After Macaria sent her away to Elderon, I went after her and discovered she's the daughter of King Chandler. Elderon said Grace has a destiny here, to decided between staying or leaving to never return. She had no idea who she was or anything about her parents."

Melinoe confirmed the truth once more, silently dismissed. The thought of not having witnesses plagues AC's mind.

Silas stands and rounds the desk, leaning against the edge. He crossed his arms and thought for a moment, impossibly calm. "Elderon is many things, but a liar is not one of them. What I can't figure out is the deception between the two of you. This is a profoundly serious matter. If the Realm Hunters were to discover these events, there will be consequences,"

"I will admit my anger towards this situation. There will be action seeing as the gravity of these events are above you. These are direct orders, do not heed them lightly. The two of you are no longer allowed the safety of day, instead you will be sent away for five nights to hunt and survive, returning each morning before sunrise. It is a mandatory task. Refuse and ensure banishment."

AC could feel Macaria's tension riding his own nerves, the level of the situation sinking in deeply as they both realized how grave this truly was. With Silas's dismissal they leave together, Macaria ahead of him. As they move down the stairs, Macaria stops and turns to AC.

"Answer me this one thing," her voice was small and quite in the stairwell, "Why didn't you ever help me figure out who I am and, and where I come from?"

"Because I already know who you are. I've known the moment we tethered," the confessional made him realize his vicious habits. Never sharing the things he should to the people it belonged to. Trying to save them from things they needed to bear. That very thinking is what has him in so deep now.

With click of her tongue, Macaria nodded, "Never once stopped to ask if I wanted to know for myself. I see you, AC. I see you." Watching her walk away from him wasn't supposed to hurt as bad as it did. The hole in his chest growing by the hour. He messed up. He really messed up. 

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