Chapter Nineteen

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Grace and Silas were led through the forest by a formation of Realm Hunters. Silas was allowed to walk freely while Grace had her hands pulled behind her in captive bounds. She was grateful to have Silas by her side, his presence and assistance made everything so much easier. He walked with his head held high and shoulders straight, as if he were just taking a leisurely stroll in the Gardens.

As the sun began to fully set beneath the horizons, they made it to a doorway made of cobbles stone. It felt entirely misplaced in the middle of these dense woods; vines and moss growing within the cracks and sprouting on the ground like roots. The doorway, however mysterious to Grace, somehow made sense. There was so much about this world she didn't understand, so to be faced with something like this was just a new discovery for her.

"We're going to take this fast travel to the Shadowlands," Esmond announced as everyone halted and lit torches, "This is the best way to avoid the territories of the Barren King."

Grace tensed at the mention of the man who made this mess in the first place. Her thoughts thankfully disrupted as two of the men stepped through the doorway and disappeared from view. The gap between the cobble frames wobbled and straightened, like some sort of portal. Esmond bumped her forward with his chest, her feet stumbling to regain balance, "You're next."

Silas didn't seem to like this, his body slipping between them as he eyes Esmond carefully. "We don't get separated," his words were calm but stern.

He smirked devilishly, moving to speak before being cut-off by his sister, her hissing words a warning, "Esmond."

Esmond then rips from Silas, his back facing the doorway as he saluted and fell backwards into it. Silas turned to Grace, his forest green eyes bright and open. There was a new shine to them that she hadn't noticed before. He looked different...happier.

"Hold your breath. For a long minute it's going to feel like someone is squeezing your lungs tightly. Don't be afraid, you're okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or to us." Grace nodded, her eyes watering in anticipation as she faced the magical door with Silas. He hooked his arm through hers, her lungs sucking in a long drawl of oxygen before the leapt in.

She felt like she was sinking, her eyes scrunched closed, as if she were falling quickly to the bottom of the ocean. Silas wasn't lying when he said it felt like a tight squeeze of her lungs, her chest burning with the force. But she could still feel Silas. She could feel his arms moving to surround her, pulling her closer to his body. The pain began to ease, replaced by his searing touch. Grace willed herself to keep holding her breath, the long minute feeling like hours.

Everything stopped. Grace could feel the ground beneath her feet, and Silas's arms wrapped around her in comfort. She breathed into his, he smelt of rain and soap, an odd combination that just felt like him. He refused to let go, hugging her tighter and he spoke lowly, "Don't look."

It was silent around them, not even the gentle chirps of crickets or birds could be heard. She suddenly heard the soft panting of a man, his light footsteps coming closer as Esmond spoke out in whispers. "The wraiths got the first three men. We're in a dangerous spot in the Shadowlands, I fought them off. They're hiding now, waiting."

The wheeze of the transporter came from behind Silas, Kalon and three other men traveling through with her. Grace could hear the ring of their swords as they immediately unsheathed them. They created a circle around Silas and Grace, their words hushed as Kalon called out orders.

"Fighting is useless against these things, they'll pull us apart like twigs," one of the men said.

Another spoke up as Grace felt pressure on her bindings, "Perceval is right, Kalon. We need to relight the torches and make a run for it."

"Yes, Conrad light these," Kalon tossed a bundle of torches to the only man who hasn't spoken up besides Esmond. "Suri and Perceval cover the flanks and Conrad brings up the rear. Keep the King and the hopper dead center. Follow Esmond and I closely, no sudden noises."

The binds fell from Grace's wrists to the ground as Silas spins her around. He presses his chest to her back, keeping her as close as possible as she slowly opens her eyes. Its so dark, the torches only lighting their faces and the silhouettes of thin trees. Cackles and whistles bubbled around them all as they moved forward, making their way toward the Shadow King's castle.

It felt like forever. Shuffling closely together through the forest until light can be seen up ahead. They moved quicker, abandoning the torches as everyone ran or the outer walls of the kingdom. As they traveled beyond the walls, a crowd of people began to form. Their curious words buzzing with rumors and speculations.

They all eyed and pointed at Grace and Silas, their meddling quick cut off as Kalon and Esmond stepped forward, parting the crowds. The people quieted down, their words being hushed, and heads bowed as Suri and Conrad shoved Grace forward. Silas grabbed her hand, pulling her in front of him so she was no longer pushed around. They walked like this to the entrance of the castle.

The entry way was large, spikes hanging above their head as they walk through and down a courtyard to double wooden doors. With a single knock, the doors swing open to reveal a marvelous castle. The ceiling lifted high into the sky, stained glass windows lining the cobbled walls. Grace wonder if her fathers castle looked like this before the war. Vibrant and full of life.

Kalong stopped, turning to face Silas as one of the servants scurried up to her. There was an exchange of whispers before she spoke, "The King requests your presence before him, King Silas. Alone. Perceval, take the girl to a holding cell until she faces her consequences."

Grace's wild eyes turn to Silas, his hand resting against her cheek, "they can't harm you. You're going to be okay, I'll come get you in a short while."

She nodded, eyes welling with tears at the unknown. Hoping if anything happens, he remains okay and intact. She hated the idea of not knowing what he was going to have to face because of her. Because of what she's asked of him. Perceval approaches her slowly, gently taking her by the elbow, leading her away from Silas and the others.

He walked her down a long corridor and to a line of metal doorways. He hadn't spoken a single word, instead unlocked the door and gestured for Grace to go in. There was no use in resisting, she knew that well enough. She swallowed, straightening her back and lifting her chin high. If they were going to throw her into a cell, she would go willingly with every ounce of pride she had.

Silas's feeling of calmness and safety washed over her, still able to feel him when the distance between them continued to grow. With him now in her heart and soul, she was okay. She was hopeful. 

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