Chapter Sixteen

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Searching the massive castle felt fruitless. Every room was larger than necessary, and nothing added up to answers. Grace thought that this is what it must've felt like for people who had to abandon their homes, only to return years later for the memorabilia. Like walking through the disturbed past.

They made it to a darkened, grand ballroom that had been left bare and worse for wear. Debris and dust coated the floors and ceiling length curtains that appeared torn. The once vibrant golds were worn and rusted, everything represented what this once bright kingdom was until the war. Now, just as this ballroom, all was ruined.

The sound of bare feet padded across the floor, Silas on high alert as he yanked Grace behind him by the fabric of her cloak. Her eyes scanned the room with his when she noticed the small boy from the street. He must have followed them into through the window.

Grace moved slowly from Silas, "it's okay, you can come out. We won't hurt you."

The boy slipped behind the curtains, and Silas moved in front of Grace once more. The little boy, his hair ruffled, and clothes dirtied, came out into the open. He had his hands folded behind his back as he bowed his head. When his coal-like eyes whipped up to look at them, Grace stepped back. This wasn't right, something was very off.

Just as Silas was about to speak, the marbled floors began to shake. The debris and dust picked up with wind and circled the little boy as he slowly began to morph into something else. Into a tall, dark-skinned woman. She was beautiful and young, her features seeming otherworldly. Her tilted head reminded Grace of Ossenna, yet she seemed like the complete opposite. The woman seemed to continue to grow as she hovered just above the cool marble.

"I am Silas – " he began, quickly interrupted by the woman's beautiful voice.

"I know who you are, boy." She spoke gently as if she was speaking to scared child. "Who sent you?"

Her head tilted to peer around Silas's defending form to Grace. The question almost directed to her, "Elderon sent us. He told us we would find answers here."

"Answers," she tried the word out, testing it as if it were foreign to her. "You only receive answers by asking the right questions, child. Yet neither of you have asked my name or who I be."

"Who are you?" Silas asked, his tone clear.

The woman eyed him carefully, "Much like my brother, I am an ancient being. I am Senan."

Grace moved further out from behind Silas, "You're like Elderon? So, it's true you can give us answers?"

"Everything comes with price, child." Senan's figure seemed to glide closer and Silas moved to shield Grace once more. The being's eyes snapped to him, with a slight snarl.

Grace grabbed a fistful of Silas's cloak, grounding herself to him as she regarded Senan, "I'll give anything for the truth."

"Truth is subjective. It is not truth that you seek, but rather fact. It is that very reason Elderon is such a trickster. A devilish fool."

Silas finally steps forward, facing Senan head on with high shoulders. Forcing Grace to drop her hold of him. "We will sacrifice whatever it is that you deem worthy in order to receive that we search for."

"If fact is what you seek, then in return you must relinquish the piece of you that is hidden from truth. Give this piece up and what you seek will quickly follow. A well-kept secret brought to light."

"How?" Grace asks.

Senan hums to herself and turns from them, "walk these truths together. Visit the past and remember."

As the words left her lips, the task unraveled like it did with Elderon. In her mind's eye, they both knew what had to be done. They need, with Senan's aid, to visit moments in their pasts that would give them the answers they've been searching for. It was finally coming together, but at what cost? Grace was afraid to invade Silas's personal life, to literally walk through things he has every right to keep from her. Walking through the deepest parts of what made them who they are.

Grace looked to Silas, his darkened eyes already watching her. "Are you sure? This is a big step, Silas and if you're not okay with this..."

"I made a promise to you, Grace. I have ever intention of fulfilling that promise, no matter the price. Until my very last breath – no more secrets. If anyone were going to experience these parts of me, I'd want it to be you."

It was a huge step, and here he stood completely willing and sincere. This was it and Grace trusted him fully without doubt or regret. Together, they turned to Senan, facing her with level heads and decided minds.

"We're prepared to do whatever it takes," Grace announced, speaking for the both of them.

Senan nodded, her body lifting higher in the air as the wind picked up. She reached her hands above her head, palms facing them as a low melodic tune met their ears. For a moment, Grace felt the ground give beneath their feet and she was falling. Her hands instinctively reaching for Silas, terrified of repeating that night, her eyes squeezing shut in anticipation. 

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