Chapter Fourteen

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Elderon sat perched on his stump beside the bridge, his chin tilted, and boney legs crossed. It was as if he had been expecting them, a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as they stepped from the path. The sweeping wind greeted them, and Grace felt the need to straighten her shoulders. Knowing now that he was an ancient being, she thought it necessary to regard him highly. Silas remained silent, his gaze fixed past Elderon's should and onto the bridge.

"You have not chosen, yet here you stand. Do your actions speak against the war within you, Little Mouse?"

Grace flinched at his suspecting words, her war a private one. "I need more information," she nearly pled.

"A war within oneself is greater, you see, than that of one enounced. Isn't that correct, young Silas? How magnanimous of you that you assist this child in self-discovery."

Silas sighs, his shoulders drooping as his attention moves to the elder, "you know what we ask of, Elderon."

"You know the price," Elderon clicked his tongue and hobbles to his feet, "I shall share my knowledge for a measly task."

Grace looked to Silas who stood calm and unemotional, a look she has never seen cross his features, a non-suitable expression. "Whatever it takes," he announced.

With a sweep of the wind and a stomp of his wooden walker, Elderon spoke in a voice that looped and echoed in and on itself, "To cross is to trust. Head my words as you will, the people of the Fallen King suffer still. If answers are what you seek, take the leap. Whatever it takes, Forest King."

Grace could feel the task unravelling in her mind's eye. What he asks of them seemed so simple. Cross the bridge and go to the Greatlands, there the answers await. Except, how were there answers in a fallen kingdom? What did he mean by the suffering people? She wondered if the people knew more than they let on. If there was more to the task than Elderon was letting on. Looking to Silas, she suspected he was thinking the same.

"Why are there answers in the Greatlands?"

Elderon simply bowed his head and shuffled aside, his trembling hand gesturing toward the bridge. Silas nodded, looking to Grace, "It's okay."

A sinking feeling fell to the pit of her stomach that maybe it was all happening again. She put all of her trust into AC so quickly that she never stopped to think that perhaps he was lying or tricking her. His promise in this very spot only a week ago, and now here she is with another man she barely knew. Was she really going to base everything off of the fact that he saved her life when AC was there too? When AC was the first one to save her and pull her from the darkness that very first night. How could Grace guarantee that Silas wouldn't lie and betray her trust in the same way AC did?

If this was the only way home and the only way to get answers, then using Silas was her best bet. He had gotten her farther than she had ever been. She could almost feel the answers within an arm's reach. Choosing to trust and follow him now would only mean a sure-fire way to everything she had been asking for. Her way to figure out the truth and a way back home – a way back to Paul.

No more secrets...his oath echoed in her mind. Grace decided then, she'd take the leap.

Grace nodded, moving to his side fully now. He guided her in front of him, moving to stand just behind her as they faced the bridge. "I'm right behind you," he promised lowly, "I won't let you fall."

The bridge was long and daunting, a rickety way across a deep quarry with a hidden bottom. The other end of the bridge disappeared beyond a thick bank of clouds, and Grace didn't like thinking about what could be waiting for them on the other side. When she stepped onto the first plank, her hands gripping the ropes tightly, the entire bridge swayed with her weight. She instinctively stepped back flush against Silas's chest.

His lips dipped low and hovered just beside her ear, "you're okay, you're not alone. I'm right here, we're okay." His whisper sent fire throughout her veins and when he pulled away, she held her breath. "Don't rush, move slow, and don't look down."

Swallowing her fear and the heat in her body, she continued forward. She could feel him behind her, his presence seeping into hers as if they were one being. Knowing he was there, even when she couldn't see him, made her feel strong and capable. She trained her eyes in front of her, waiting for the moment she'd see the other end.

A strong wind wobbled the bridge, and they both stopped. Waiting for it to past, but it didn't seem to let up. Silas shouted behind her over it's thrashing sound, "We need to keep moving! It's windier because of the quarry below."

Grace nodded, pushing herself forward as she fought against the wind. They walked for a minute longer, her foot slipping between two planks as one of them brakes. All she could see was the vastness of the heavy cloudbanks below them, Silas catching her as she fell. He had a strong hold of her waist, pulling her body back to him, making certain not to touch her skin. She clung to him, grasping at his clothing as the fear stained her vision. The same terror she had on the cliff that night. When she couldn't hold onto Paul long enough for him to help her.

"I've got you, Grace. I'd never let you fall; I'll always catch you. You're okay," he spoke calmly, soothing her with words as she tried to ignore the wretched scream she heard from Paul.

She took a moment to recollect herself, Silas lifting her up and over the broken plank at their feet. He slowly stepped across, careful to watch his feet as the each gripped the coarse ropes. They walked on, finally able to see the other end almost identical to the start. Grace whispered under her breath, to cross is to cross is to trust.

Behind them a snap could be heard, as loud as a tree breaking from itself and the bridge began to shake wildly. The two of them whipped their heads to look behind themselves, a large, black monstrous beast quickly climbing after them. Silas yelled for Grace to go and she didn't wait for him to ask again. She moved as quickly as she could, nearly running to the end as the best got impossibly closer.

Grace reached the end, she threw herself onto the land, spinning to see Silas not behind her. He was still on the bridge, cutting at the rope as the beast inched nearer. Her mind screamed out to do something! He wasn't looking at the monster, he wasn't paying attention. Her feet moved before she could stop them. She was back on the bridge, reaching for Silas. She took a fistful of his shirt and yanked him back just in time, the horrid looking creature swiping for Silas – the rope snapping as Grace threw them backwards and onto the ground.

Silas fell over Grace, his hands stopping himself from crushing her. He didn't move from her, his head looking over his shoulder behind them as the screech of whatever that thing was cut through the air. He let out a shaking breath before looking back into Grace's eyes.

"Thank you," his voice was husky and strained, "for saving my life."

All of her thoughts flooded her mind as she thought of this life without Silas. He was willing to sacrifice himself for her, willing to put everything on the line just so she could make it out alive. She was absolutely terrified that she was about to lose him, her chest still rising and falling rapidly in pace with her heart. "Don't ever scare me like that again," she begged.

"I promise." He watched her for a moment longer as relief filled her eyes. He pushed from her, moving to grip her clothed elbow to help her up. They turned to the bridge, the cloudbank clearing to reveal the bridge was gone. They could finally see across to the start of the bridge, realizing they had gone a much longer way than it seemed. 

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