Chapter Eighteen

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Grace and Silas stood together, their bodies vibrating like magnets, an almost natural pull to one another. Silas's mind was swimming with a thousand different thoughts that Grace could almost hear them, like a low and distant humming in her ear. It was an odd sound, something she has never heard before. Senan watched them closely, her deep brown eyes switching between them.

"In my memory, that man..." Grace looked up to the ancient being, her own eyes searching for clarification. "If Ahriman sent him to kill my mother and I, then that further proves the hunter's words. My mother is truly innocent."

Everything was finally falling into place. The reason Grace felt so hurt and betrayed by her mother and AC was simply because it didn't make sense. Her mother was sometimes cold-shouldered, but there is no way Griselda was a killer. The courage it took to run away to a forbidden place is more worthy of acknowledgment than a false murder. A loving wife taking the life of her own husband, sometimes just doesn't fit. In this case, it was true – Griselda was innocent.

"The innocence of the Great Queen is nullified in the eyes of the other kingdoms. You must follow her footsteps and go to the forbidden realm. Speak to the witnesses of that night – speak to the Gills."

Silas nodded, finally catching his breath from all that they had just endured. All the pieces coming together felt right and joyous, but their search wasn't over yet. His hand gripped Grace's his skin touching her in a longing way. Silas pulled them away, Grace stopping to turn to Senan, "Thank you."

They left the ballroom, heading back through the castle and ignoring every open room. It was all very quick paced, Silas lifting Grace back through the secret window and down the cobbled streets. The filth and sickness that stained this town made Grace's stomach turn. These once great people now suffering because of one man. A man Grace never wanted to meet. Ahriman, the Barren King.

As their feet round corner after corner, and each darkened alleyway, the two finally came to an opening of the outer wall. Its winding path led them beyond the kingdom and back into the forest. Silas seemed to know exactly where he was going, his legs pushing on as they dodged trees and jumped fallen logs. When they approached a large, stony cave in the middle of what felt like nowhere, Grace looked to Silas. It protruded from the ground, growing up and looming above them. The entrance was perfectly rounded and dark, an ominous feeling seeping beyond its threshold. He squeezed her hand, letting her know it was okay, as they entered into the cave.

Drops of water fell from its moist ceilings and rigid walls, the cavern open to expose a large bog. The water shimmered and glowed against the near black cave, lighting up their faces; impossibly blue. Grace never knew water like this could exist, yet here they were, and she was facing yet another wonder of this realm.

Silas approached the edge of the water, crouching to get a better look. His brows furrowed in confusion as he seemingly scanned for something. "This doesn't make sense," he mumbled to himself, his words echoing in the confined area, "the Gills never hide away. Not unless there was some sort of...threat."

The words fell from his lips as the shadows began to move and morph into people. Their black armor luminated as they step out and into view – Realm Hunters. Kalon's blonde hair was styled in a braid on her head, and Esmond's scar appeared gruesome under this lighting. They had finally found Silas and Grace, waiting for them in the shadows.

Her voice was strong and authoritative as Kalon spoke, "King Silas, you are hereby declared a fugitive in the eyes of the Shadowlands' law. By harboring a Realm Hopper, you are being detained and will face the charges deemed necessary by word of the Shadow King."

Grace's heart froze. All their hard work, all the sacrifices made by everyone involved, and now it was over. The hunters caught her, and she would either be killed or sent away with no ties to this realm. She'd never be able to right the wrongs made here long ago, nor will she be able to see Silas ever again. It was done. There was nothing they could do now.

Silas pressed his shoulder into Grace, his calmness pouring into her. "It's okay, they can't touch us now." She didn't know what that was supposed to mean. She wondered if he fully understood what this meant.

One of the hunters, his violet eyes hardened, pulled Silas from Grace as Esmond bound her hands. His snarl was hot on her cheek as he spoke from behind her, "Oh, this shall be a good fun."

Silas growled toward Esmond, a low chuckle the only response as Grace was shoved forward. The hunters lead them out of the cave and away from the bog, away from the final piece of the puzzle.  

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