Robo Maid! Ow< ~*☆

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k1b0: Hello, Kirumi!

kirumi: Do you need anything, Kiibo?

k1b0: I was just wondering about what everyone chats about. I don't understand any of it

kirumi: Let's keep it that way

k1b0: ?

kirumi: Don't worry. They are not plotting to kill anyone. There just talking about things you may not be able to ever understand.

k1b0: Oh...

kirumi: But if you would like, we can talk for an hour. I am free until 3 pm, when Maki and Kokichi asked me to help them make swiss rolls for Kaito and Shuichi.

k1b0: I would appreciate the company! And what are swiss rolls?

kirumi: They are a type of sponge cake made with chocolate and filled with whip cream.

k1b0: Sounds tasty! But I can't eat, unfortunately :(

kirumi: Perhaps Miu could help by making food robots can eat.

kirumi: Oh, and sorry if anything I say sounds too robophobic.

k1b0: It's ok, I understand you have no malicious intent, unlike a certain rat

kirumi: Kokichi, I assume?

k1b0: Yes! But last week he didn't even look at me. Is he ok? I'm genuinely worried about his mental state if he's not bothering me.

kirumi: He's fine. He accidentally kissed Shuichi about a week ago. He got angry at Tsumugi than distanced himself from everyone.

k1b0: Why Tsumugi?

kirumi: She set up a blind date between them.

k1b0: Ohhhhh, I see. Is Kokichi feeling better now? How is Shuichi?

kirumi: I had been delivering Shuichi's meals all week because he wouldn't leave his room, but both are back to normal.

kirumi: They've been hanging out more often but I don't believe they're dating yet.

k1b0: Well, you got to take it slow!

kirumi: Just non-romantically, do you have an interest in anyone?

k1b0: I like Kokichi's company, even if he's rude and robophobic.

k1b0: Miu is fun to hang out with.

k1b0: Shuichi is really nice and tries to restrain Kokichi from torturing me. It's quite hilarious to watch lol

k1b0: And I like hanging out with Tsumugi sometimes.

k1b0: Oh! I love hanging out with Gonta! We go on bug hunts together and it's so much fun!

kirumi: Color me surprised. I don't believe I've seen you hang out with Gonta before.

k1b0: We hang out on occasion.

kirumi: If you like hanging out with him why don't you do it more often?

k1b0: We don't have a lot in common, so I don't know what to talk about with him.

kirumi: I believe he is one of the few who don't talk a lot in the chat.

k1b0: Really?

kirumi: The other ones are Angie, Tenko, and Himiko, but they spend most of their time in their labs together. Then you as well.

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