☆~Praise be to Atua!~☆

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Let's talk about Atua

sleepymage: Good morning!

ughdemenerates: Himiko, it's 1 in the afternoon!

praisebetoatua: How was your sleep, dear?

sleepymage: I dreamt about Atua!

praisebetoatua: Oh? What happened? :D

sleepymage: I performed a magic show for him, and he applauded my amazing magic!

ughdemenerates: That's wonderful, Himiko! Your magic deserves every clap in the world!

sleepymage: And then you guys were standing beside him and clapping for me, too! And Atua gave us banana cream pies!

praisebetoatua: Ahhhhh, Atua is truly beautiful!

sleepymage: You said it :3

ughdemenerates: What do you guys wanna do today?

ughdemenerates: Maybe you can tell us about all your dreams with Atua, Himiko!

praisebetoatua: An Atua praying session! We will talk about the wonders of Atua!

praisebetoatua: We'll meet at the fountain. Does 2 pm sound good?

sleepymage: Yepper doodle

ughdemenerates: Of course, Angie!

praisebetoatua: Great! I will see if anyone else would like to join us!

sleepymage: (^^)b



angie: Do you and Miu want to join us in praying to Atua? :3

kaede: I would love to, but Miu's making some new inventions and needs my help with testing

angie: No worries! It's ok! :D



angie: Hiya, Kiibo! Want to pray to Atua?

k1b0: Of course, Angie! When?

angie: 2 pm. At the fountain.

k1b0: I'll be there!

angie: :D



angie: Kirumi, is it possible for you to join us in praying to Atua?

kirumi: I am currently assisting Rantaro and Korekiyo in making their library date exceptional, so I'm afraid I must pass

angie: It's ok! I won't ask Rantaro or Kiyo either if that's the case :)



angie: Shuichi! Would you and Kokichi like to join us in praying to Atua?

shuichi: I'll pass, sorry.

shuichi: I kind of have a purple gremlin sleeping in my lap

angie: It's alright! Enjoy your purple gremlin :)

shuichi: Enjoy your praying :)

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