lyric pranks with amaguji

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sasoidiot: Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you

pianoqueen: ?... well, when we escape we'll all be friends...

sasoidiot: In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you

pianoqueen: Aww that's sweet :)

sasoidiot: The ink flows down into a dark puddle

sasoidiot: Just move your hand 

sasoidiot: write the way into his heart!

pianoqueen: what...

sasoidiot: But in this world of infinite choices

pianoqueen: um...

sasoidiot: What will it take just to find that special day?

pianoqueen: Rantaro...?

sasoidiot: What will it take just to find that special day?

pianoqueen: I'm concerned about you...

sasoidiot: I was singing "Your Reality" idiot

pianoqueen: Ohhhhhhh

pianoqueen: Why?

sasoidiot: Because Kork and I be doing lyric pranks

pianoqueen: No, I figured that, but...

pianoqueen: Why your reality?

sasoidiot: idk... pianos and shit

pianoqueen: ok that makes sense lol

pianoqueen: Well, you got me. Good luck with the others :)

sasoidiot: I have the perfect idea for our next victim >:)


~Your Reality by Dan Savalto~



kichikunt: What's wrong with me?

makiroll: a lot of things

kichikunt: Why do I feel like this?

makiroll: idk 

kichikunt: I'm going crazy now

makiroll: now?

kichikunt: No more gas in the rig, can't even get it started

kichikunt: Nothing heard, nothing said, can't even speak about it

kichikunt: Out my life, out my head, don't wanna think about it

makiroll: Feels like I'm going insane, Yeah

kichikunt: It's a thief in the night, to come and grab you

makiroll: It can creep up inside you and consume you

kichikunt: A disease of the mind, it can control you

kichikunt: It's too close for comfort

makiroll: Throw on your brake lights, we're in the city of wonder!

kichikunt: Ain't gonna play nice, watch out, you might just go under

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