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1. First Day

I stand longingly, staring at the huge building right in front of me. It looks so enermous and grandeur. Right now, I still cannot believe that I was able to passed the entrance exam. It felt so surreal until now. 

Being an official student of Kasetsart University really overwhelms me and gives me a proud feeling. Kasetsart University is the top university in the country for its high excellency and top-notcher students and successful alumni. I'm so thankful that I was able to got a scholarship that gives me a discount to my tuition fee. 

I take a deep sigh, shaking off the nervousness I feel then I finally make my way inside the campus. There are lots of freshmen around, walking and wandering around the campus. Kasetsart University is pretty huge, I don't think I can familiarize every building in a day. 

First thing I needed to do is to attend the freshmen orientation and look for the Science Faculty where the orientation will going to be held. After a lots of misdirections and wrong turns, I was able to arrive at the Science Faculty. 

The building of Science Faculty is huge as well and there were already a lot of people around. I approached the registration table where there are three students sitting. They automatically gave me a look from head to toe and immediately greeted and me. 

"Sawatdee." I greeted them back, looking at the three of them one by one. I suddenly feel timid as they continue to check on me very carefully. 

"Your name?" asked by the girl with a very confident posture and expression. The two boys whisphered at the back of her and seems like they are talking about something.

Or maybe they were talking about me. I guess.

"Uhm," I stammered, getting distracted by my own thought. "I'm Nine Kornchid Sawa--"

"Oh yes, here it is." the girl cut me off quickly as she hands me the a folder my ID badge. "Welcome to the Science Faculty! For the freshmen orientation, you all will be gathering on the Science Faculty auditorium for the main orientation and after that, you willnall proceed at the gymnasium for the Frosh Night. Get it?" she's speaking too fast that I wasn't able to understand some of what she had said but I nodded anyways. 

"Thank you." I say, taking a wai  (The wai, pronounced like the word "why," is the traditional greeting and also used when thanking someone, apologizing to someone, or saying goodbye) on the three of them then I walked away but I still managed to hear what they are continue to talk about.

"He's handsome yet he lacks something. Maybe personality? He seems quiet and awkward" the girl said at the other boys. 

"I agree but he really looks good. He is one of the top choices." the other guy added.

"It seems that there are few handsome freshmen this year and a lot of beautiful freshmen girls!" the other guy exclaimed. 

I shake my head after hearing their conversation. So they were checking me out earlier. I suddenly feel timid upon hearing what they had said. 

I looked around and I spotted a group of freshmen in the corner. I stopped momentarily, hesitating about approaching them. I look back at them again and they seems nice at all.

What if they ignore me? Or laugh at me? 

I build up a huge courage and walk towards them cautiously. As I came closer, they all turned their heads at me upon realizing that I am heading towards them. I stopped and I immediately got lost of what I should say and do. They all looked at me, waiting for what am I going to say.

"Sawatdee," I started and they all wai back at me. "I'm Nine Kornchid..." then suddenly, they all laugh at me, leaving me speechless and confused.

MY ID IS JOONG'S BESTFRIEND [JOONGNINE] [J9]Where stories live. Discover now