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25. Caught in Act

The egg yolk sun poured through the cracks in the blind and awaited entrance into my eyes. Upon waking, I burrowed my into the warm, soft sheets. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. I feel Joong Archen's arms gently wrapped on my waist as he spoon me behind my back. I can feel on my neck thesoft and calm breathing coming from his mouth.

I turn around to face him - my actions are careful so that I cannot wake him up from his sleep. My eyes gazed upon his face, admiring how peaceful his face is when he's sleeping. He really looks so wrapped in his profound sleep.

Slowly, a small smile creeps on my lips as I spend the rest of the minutes staring at Joong Archen's face. Literally, I'm so smitten all over him.  I'm well and truly smitten.

Joong Archen stirrs on his sleep then moments after, his eyes opens - meeting mine. I never saw someone looks so good looking when waking up, from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his face upon seeing him. Joong Archen let out a small smile, his eyes flutters numerous times before he moves to me closely, wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Good morning," he said softly as his head lolls into my shoulder. 

I let out a chuckle before hugging him back, "Good morning." 

Joong Archen moves from the bed and that's the time I move my head into his arm, making it as a pillow as he hold me close. I heard Joong Archen laugh by my gesture and he suddenly poke my nose. 

"You're so cute," he commented, brushing a strand of dark brown hair away from my face.

I only hums on his comment and decided to bury my face on his chest. I can feel his chest's rising and falling against my face, our breaths in unison, and the warm blood that I could feel in our embrace. His gentle arms gives me the space to breathe. 

"We will be late in class..." I said to him lazily. 

Joong Archen hums in response, "Another 5 minutes. I love cuddling with you." 

There was absolute stillness after that. Even our own breaths seemed to die as soon as it left our mouths. It was an eerie sort of tranquility, so instead of being soothed my senses became heightened.


I have to look up and stare at the towered skyscraper above us. It is a tower of concrete steel and glass that stands out along the city. I couldn't believe that this building is owned by Irene. I stared at the building in awe, wondering how she achieve this level of success. 

After admiring the building for a moment, my friends and I, and the other students finally get inside. We will be attending special classes in a limited time for our field class. I am thankful that I was able to get a spot in the student list. 

After the short orientation, we were instructed to already proceed at one of the laboratory room. We were separated in two groups and luckily, me and my friends were not separated into each other. I'm glad as well because Joong Archen is in our group plus the other three seniors from our Faculty. 

"Hey, Nine." Soo Ya called for me across the table. "How is it to be very closed with Joong Archen's family?" he asked me. The question took me off-guard that I immediately made eye contact with Joong Archen - who looks not bothered by it at all. "I mean, come to think of it. It's like you're part of their family. Do you feel out of place sometimes whenever you're with them?" 

I look at her and I could see the glimpse of sly smile on her face. I know that she's doing it on purpose and I still cannot grasp with any idea of why is she acting up like this. The annoyance churned up within myself and I'm trying to contain it. 

MY ID IS JOONG'S BESTFRIEND [JOONGNINE] [J9]Where stories live. Discover now