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12. The honesty of being drunk.

After a few shots of soju, (a clear, colorless distilled beverage of Korean origin. It is usually consumed neat, and its alcohol content varies from about 16.8% to 53% alcohol by volume (ABV). Most brands of soju are made in South Korea.) I started to feel a little dizzy. We've been having fun for about 3 or 4 hours since I arrived and I never thought that I will be drinking too much at this point.

I realized as well how alleviating drinking is when you have such problems - not that I have a problem but it really makes you somewhat at ease and somehow, you tend to forget what keeps bothering you for awhile.

And what keeps bothering me?

Joong Archen.

That jerk really has an atittude problem and I want to confront him for that. I can't stand being a friend of him if he will treat me like I was good for nothing. Literally, I want to at least, hit him on his head to wake him up. Just thinking of him really makes me mad.

And as if I was getting played by the devil, Joong Archen arrives - as usual, looking handsome and unbothered. The moment I saw him, I couldn't help not to choke while taking a drink. Joong Archen directly walked on our table, taking the seat in front of me. I acted as if I didn't see him, instead I take a glass of soju and drink from it.

"I thought you're not coming over." Soo Ya approached Joong, giving him a mug of beer.

Joong Archen didn't even gave Soo Ya a glance. He's  watching me with that intense eyes of him as I take another shot. I grimaced as the alcohol flows on my throat, tasting the strong mixture of the liquid.

"When did you start drinking too much?" Joong Archen commented, checking on me. My eyes darted on him, giving him a deathly scowl.

I ignored Joong Archen again - I don't want to waste my time simply by thinking of him and his bipolar atittude anymore. All I need is a rest day of not being bothered by him even though I do not know why I'm always bothered by Joong Archen - that what's makes me more annoyed. I lift up my glass suddennly, "Cheers!!!" I screamed, standing on my seat.

"Cheers!!!" my friends scream in unison as we clink our glasses altogether.

I throw myself at my chair, chuckling as I take another shot. I cough as I chugged on the glass causing me to wince. I am about to grab the soju bottle when Joong Archen grabbed it first, putting the bottle away from me.

"That's enough." he said authoritatively before staring at me straight in my eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him, blowing air from my mouth. I'm having a good time now and he's actually ruining my mood. "Don't tell me what to do, jerk." I glared at him.

My friends gasped after what I said, looking at me surprisingly. They were really surprised that I called Joong Archen a jerk. A small smile creeps on my lips and out of nowhere, I burst out laughing.

I should've called him that sooner.

I look at Joong Archen and I can see on his face that he is pissed off, that adds on my fuel to annoy him more. "Did I just called you, jerk? You're jerk, right?" I said, pointing my finger at him. "Jerk!!!" I shouted. A few people inside the bar looked at us, startled by my voice.

"Guys, I think he's drunk now." Park said.

"I am not drunk." I perked my head at Park. "I'm not drunk, let's have another shot." I shake my head as I grabbed another bottle but Eun stopped me. She get the bottle from me making me pout my lips at her.

"You're drunk, Nine." she told me worriedly.

I groan and laugh hilariously. I look at them one by one before standing from my seat. "I said I'm not yet drunk!" I informed them. My feet feels wobbly and everything seems circling around. "I'm not drunk..." I slurred. My friends are simply watching me as I proved myself that I can still manage to have a drink.

MY ID IS JOONG'S BESTFRIEND [JOONGNINE] [J9]Where stories live. Discover now