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21. First Date 

Weekend came like in a blur. I spent my whole Saturday finishing my shift at the coffee shop. As soon as I arrived at my place, I immediately fallen asleep on my bed because of the exhaustion. I wake up the next Sunday morning with a little bored mood. 

Hours passed and all I did is do little stuff around my place and finding myself shamelessly rolling on the bed. I let out a heavy sigh, my eyes glued on the ceiling. I was thinking a long time since I woke up if it's better to message Joong Archen. 

I mean, we're now boyfriends right? I have the right to message him and ask him how he's been doing at this point. 

Although, I don't want to look like I'm way too clingy and nosy on him. 

Just thinking about that fact makes my heart flutter. It feels surreal to think about honestly and somehow, I feel scared because maybe, one day I wake up and find out that it's only a dream. Having Joong Archen as your boyfriend is like you're living in a fairytale set-up. 

I hurriedly get my phone from the table to send Joong Arche a message. After a few minutes of staring blankly at the phone screen, thinking of so many words just to greet him, I wasn't still able to composed one decent message for him. 

Why is this stressing me so much? 

I started typing again and all of a sudden, the phone rings causing me to get startled and my phone slipped on my hands and fell straight on my face. I let out a painful hiss before I see who's calling me. 

Joong Archen.

I sit straight from the bed in surprise, answering the call afterwards. 

"He-Hello..." I muttered timidly. 

"Hi, my boyfriend." Joong Archen greeted me back. I can't help not to smile at myself after hearing his greeting. I was able to realized that Joong Archen's voice is like a music to my ears; it is undeniably soothing. "What are you doing now?" Joong Archen asked me.

"I'm at my place right now, why?" I answered quietly. I still feel reticent at some point to act like a boyfriend towards Joong Archen. 

"I'm ouside of your place." Joong Archen suddenly told me. 

"What?" I reacted surprisingly. 

"We're going on a date today. I will be waiting here." and after that, Joong Archen hang up the call before I can say anything else to him. 

I jump out of the bed alarmingly. I remain standing, deep in thoughts before I finally wake up in reality that I'm going on a date with Joong Archen. For real.

I quickly run on the bathroom that it took me only 5 minutes - or less, for me to finish my shower before I hurried outside of the bathroom. I immediately open my closet to look for a clothes to wear. I look at my clothes that are hanging, clueless of what I should wear. 

This is a date so should I wear something special?

I've been standing i front of my closet for good 10 minutes and I still wasn't able to choose anything. I'm starting to panic so I mindlessly pick random clothes and immediately get change. After checking myself on the mirror a numerous times, I decided to get out of my place and immediately meet Joong Archen. 

As soon as I arrived outside, the first thing I saw is a car waiting for me. I stopped momentarily, my eyes gazing who's inside the car. The car door opens and Joong Archen stepped outside and my mouth automatically went ajar the moment I see him. 

He literally look so good in front of me. 

He had the kind of face that makes you stop in your tracks. He was handsome alright, but inside he was more even beautiful.

MY ID IS JOONG'S BESTFRIEND [JOONGNINE] [J9]Where stories live. Discover now