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26. Finding Out.

The four of us are sitting uncomfortably, facing each other as the light tension and awkward envelopes the mood. My eyes are glued on the table, gazing blankly at the mug of coffee, watching as the smoke dissipitates from above. 

I'm still completely taken aback since earlier and I don't know what to say to my two friends sitting right in front of me. 

I can hear Joong Archen's faint breathing as he uncomfortably shifts from his seat from time to time. I cannot tell what he's thinking from the back of his mind but at some point, I cannot help not to worry by that. 

I clear my throat to break the silence as I take a deep breath before turning my head to them. "So I have to tell you something very important," I started, feeling extremely nervous. I take a short glance at Joong Archen before I continue with my speech. "Me and Joong Archen are like, boyfriends." I said to them.

Eun and Moo Bin stares at me blankly, their eyes blinking numerous times. The two girls exchange glances after then to my surprise, they both let out a high-pitch squeal. I immediately hushed them when some of the customers inside the coffee shop were startled by our noise. 

Joong Archen simply laughs beside me, his shoulders shaking due to his unstoppable laughter.

"Hey," I reacted sternly. 

"I knew you two were in a something," Eun said after recovering. 

"Me too." Moo Bin agreed upon. 

I rolled my eyes, slouching on my seat as I pout my lips. I cannot believe they're taking this on another level. I was worried that much because they might see things in another perspective. I look at Joong Archen and found him looking at me with his an amused expression on his face. 

"Although you two already knew about this, me and Nine would still like to keep our relationship in private," Joong Archen tells my friends. "I'm glad that you were the ones who saw us because Nine really trusts you two and you two are his closests among your group." 

"We understand." Eun replies. "We know that you're not still ready and we respect your relationship. We will be quiet." 

Now, they're talking formally. 

"Hey, are you really that worried?" Moo Bin asked me. 

"Yes," I answered truthfully. "But then, you're my friends and I trust you two very much." I added. Moo Bin and Eun cooed at me as they try to get hold of me to give me a pinch on my cheeks. 

Joong Archen watches the three of us play along like we were children. We stayed for a bit just to talk random topics then after an hour we decided to finally bid our goodbyes to Eun and Moo Bin.

They still have that wide smile on both of their faces as they watch me and Joong Archen walks side by side.

"They're nice and trustworthy," Joong Archen said to me while we walk to my place. I glanced at him knowingly as I try to read his face. "I can tell that they're happy seeing you with me. I'm glad that you have them as your friends."

His face looks calm and at ease.

"It was my first time to have friends like them and I feel so thankful because they were able to understand me at some point." I open up to Joong Archen. "Knowing that I'm not really that sociable before." Joong Arcen simply listens to me as I talk. "Why didn't you had any friends before?"

Joong Archen gazed at me, his serene eyes meeting mine.

"I mean, you're very popular from so many. Everyone likes you. Why didn't you made friends with anyone?" I asked him out of my curiosity.

MY ID IS JOONG'S BESTFRIEND [JOONGNINE] [J9]Where stories live. Discover now