Meet the prankrents

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Tom was woken up by the sound of Tord's phone ringing. Tom sat up, cursing the twins for how they were resting and causing cramps. He turned his head and shook Tord awake.

"Huh? Wha? Tom? What is it?" The poor Norwegian male sounded confused and half asleep. As he rubbed one eye and sat up he yawned.

"Your phone is going off." Tom said as he got awkwardly from the bed and kind of staggered from the room,one arm resting on the defined bump where two children curled.

Tord sighed and picked up the phone. "Hallo pappa." Tord yawned again. "Hva vil du ha?"

"To see when we could possibly meet the person you are starting a family with." The voice on the other side of the phone responded.

"Whenever. It doesn't matter. I think he's pissy today though." Tord sighed.

"Is he trans then?" Asked the person who was apparently Tord's dad.

"No. Remember those experiments I did on this one roommate... It's him... And before you say anything remember that I am a grown ass man who will soon have two children and possibly a husband in a few years." Towards the end of what he was saying Tord sounded defensive.

"You really went and fucked him of all people? Of all the people you could have entered a relationship with you chose him!?" The person sounded outraged. "You may be a grown man and my boss, but you are still my son! I'm worried about you."

"Look. Do you want to meet him or not?" Tord sounded bored.

There was some talking on the other line then a response came. "Sure, what's the address?"

Tord sighed and gave the address before confirming a time and hanging up. He put his phone down and made the bed, throwing one of Tom's socks to somewhere in the room.

Tord smiled, looking at the two cots at the end of the bed, one a pastel yellow the other a pastel purple. In the yellow there was a purple bear and in the purple cot there was a yellow bear. Written in white on each bear's foot was one of the twins name. On the purple one was Leaf Samiel Lund and on the yellow was Inger Asta Lund. He was proud of the bears, they had been his idea. He sighed, hoping that his father's approved of Tom, not that they had any say in his relationship, just he was scared of being disowned.

He turned to see Tom walk back in, a cup of coffee held in one hand. He smiled slightly at Tord as he walked over and passed the coffee to him. "Hey Tord, what was that call?" Tom tilted his head as he asked the question.

Tord drank some of the coffee "Just my dad calling to say he's coming at about one today."

"What one?" Tom sounded bored, but was also half expecting that one of the twins would have to say this exact thing at some point.

"Pat. Though both are coming. I hope." Tord rubbed the back of his neck before drinking some more.

"Ah. Well we should tell Edd and Matt, they have two hours to get ready to meet your dads." Tom smiled and kissed Tord's cheek before he stood up, awkwardly, and began to get dressed.

"Alright." Tord finished the coffee and put the cup on the bedside table. He smiled at Tom, who was awkwardly pulling a t-shirt over his head. "Thank you for the coffee Tom." He stood and began to dress too.

"It's okay." Tom smiled as he located his hoodie and pulled it on.

Tom walked over to the bed and sat down, watching Tord dress. As he sat there he began to think of a way to prank the other. He was bored and part of him wanted to relive the odd joy that flooded through him during Tord and his less serious fights and occasional prank war. An idea came to him as he sat there. He knew he had kept what he needed and he would still be able to. Tom smiled slightly.

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