Fucking Karen.

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Days had turned to weeks and weeks to months and months to years.

All four adults were sat on the floor watching the twins. Inger was dressed in a pink t-shirt and some baby blue trousers. Leif wore a yellow sweater and a skirt. Inger's eyes had Tord's colour, a grey, but also had Tom's black eye whites, scientifically known as the sclara. Her hair was a caramel colour and had two little gravity defying spikes near the back. Those spikes had four little spikes at their end. Leif looked like Tom, his dark brown hair stuck up. His eyes were just like Tord's however. With grey irises and white sclara.

Both twins were generally happy toddlers. They hardly got into trouble, something that Tord wished there was more of.

Inger looked up at Tord. "Daddy? Can outside?" Her voice was lispy, but still well formed words for a two year old.

Tord glanced at Tom, checking if there were any plans for later in the day. To answer the Norwegian's unasked question Tom shook his head. Tord turned back to the two children, smiling. "Sure, Princess. Do you want to go too, Leif?"

Leif nodded, smiling. He hardly spoke. The younger twin was the quieter one, he was shy and introverted, while Inger was loud and extroverted, to some extent.

Tord chuckled and stood up. "Come on then. Shoe time!" He faked excitement. The two children scampered to the door, where the shoes were.

"You sure you can handle them on your own?" Edd asked, looking serious.

"I'm sure. They're angels. Good as gold. We'll be fine. Trust me." He smiled at the three men as he turned and walked to the toddlers.

They were both sat by their favourite shoes. Inger's were little purple ones with little bear heads for the tounge of the shoe. Leif loved little black ones that lit up. They had yellow lightning bolts on them. Tord helped the two children put their shoes on, before deciding that he would wear some casual black converse ones.

"Inger, do you want a top? It'll be cold." He always offered the children clothes before telling them, his hope being that they will choose to stay warm.

"Yeppy!" Inger clapped her little hands. She often clapped when she was feeling a lot of a positive emotion.

"Okay then." He smiled, opening a little blue box by the coats, it was filled with tops for the twins. He picked out a little denim jacket with pink fluff around the collar, on the back it read "little devil". The jacket was custom made by Tord, because he called Inger "his little devil." He helped Inger put it on and smiled, picking up Leif with his metal arm. Inger grasped the bottom of Tord's hoodie. And like that the little family walked from the door of the house and to the bus stop.

Inger became agitated by the people waiting for the bus so Tord sat her on his lap and began to play with her hair, a motion that often comforted her. Leif was sat on the floor, amusing himself with the hem of his white skirt.

When the bus arrived Tord picked Leif up and held both toddlers close to him, one in each arm, so they wouldn't get separated. He paid for them to get on and set Leif down, holding the little boy's hand as the walked to the back of the bus.

Tord sat down with Inger on his lap, still comforting her. He helped Leif onto the seat in front of him, so that the little boy was riding backwards.

When Inger was calm she wiggled off her father's lap and sat next to him, watching the people.

After two stops a mother and her son, about the same age as the twins, got on the bus. The little boy instantly noticed Inger and waved at her. Inger waved back. Once the woman had paid she and her son joined the little family at the back of the bus.

The boy, with help from his mother, sat next to Inger. "Hi! I'm Oli!" He chirped.

"I'm Inger!" Inger responded. The woman looked at Tord, who was picking up Leif and seeing him next to his sister, before sitting where he was.

"Hi, I'm Karen." The woman introduced herself to Tord. "What are these two called?" Karen gestured at Inger and Leif.

"Oh. Hi. They're called Inger and Leif. They seem to get on with your son. Leif is normally rather shy." Tord couldn't help but approve of the new little boy, who was animatedly talking with the other two toddlers.

"Oh..." Karen seemed slightly disheartened. "Who are you?" She looked at Tord with searching brown eyes.

Tord had to fight to not roll his eye at her question, he was quite recognisable as the Red Leader. He had taken over her country after all. "I'm Tord. I'm sure it is a pleasure to meet you." He extended his real hand, for her to shake. This new mother had offended him, but he was still polite. Karen took it, her eyes returning to Leif.

"Does your wife know that he's dressed like that?" She asked pointedly. Obviously unaware of who she was talking to.

"My boyfriend knows full well that our son is dressed in what he feels comfortable in. There is no problem here. Not that I see, at least." His tone became quiet. Dangerously so. He was glaring at Karen, anger boiling in his grey eye.

Karen took a moment to respond. "So you're saying that you are gay, looking after two children with a boyfriend, and abusing them by making them wear clothes for the opposite gender?" She glared at Tord, her tone a hiss.

"No. What I said is that me and my boyfriend let our children dress how they are comfortable." He smiled at Karen, the gap in his lips that showed his gums widening, creating a fearsome appearance for the powerful man.

Karen stopped. Obviously shocked. "I do not care what labels you use. You are abusing these children by making them gay."

"Listen Karen. I am sorry that you are too close minded to understand that kids can wear what they want and clothes aren't sexuality. And if they were I would assume you are trashsexual, because you're covered in it." Tord winked at her and turned his attention to his children.

"Who are you to talk to me like that? Do you know who I am? I am Karen Duncafe." This name was supposed to create some impression on Tord. Or at least that's what he guessed because of how she puffed out her obviously mostly plastic chest.

Tord chuckled darkly. "Oh Karen. Karen. Karen. Do you know who I am? I'm sure you don't. I am the Red Leader. Now, are you going to keep insulting me and my kids you crusty dusty dinosaur? Or are you going to shut that ever running face and pay attention to your son?" Tord smiled at her, then turned his attention to his own children.

Leif looked up at him. "Are we there yet?" He whined, obviously bored.

"Not quite min sønn." Tord ruffled the brown hair that rested on Leif's head. At the action Leif stuck out his tounge.

Once the bus stopped Tord stood up and picked up Inger, helping Leif make his way off the bus. The two toddlers waved at their new friend.

The small family headed towards the park. When they got there Tord set the children down. The two toddlers headed to the swings. A couple of children and their parents were there.

Inger looked up at them. "Can we have a go?" She looked up at the other children.

One of them nodded at her. "Sure. Come on then. Let's get you both up." He smiled at the two toddlers and picked Inger up, placing her in the swing. He then picked Leif up and placed him in the swing. He began to rock it, causing laughs from the two toddlers.

Tord walked over and leaned against one of the supports for the swing, watching his children have fun on the swing with the two older boys.

About an hour passed before Tord called for this children. They headed over to him. "Let's get home now." He smiled and picked Leif up, then Inger.

They took the bus back, then arrived home. Inger had to walk because Leif had fallen asleep.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this. Also two updates in a day? Yes, two updates in a day.

Alex out!

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