Winning Card

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After a long day, at night the professor called us all in this fancy big living room.

I stepped in to see everyone is there, including Berlin in his usual Oxford blue suit sitting all confidently beside the professor and I sat on the chair across of him, he flashed me that smirk again.

We began to eat dinner. The professor fixed his glasses and got all serious.

"I have some serious things to talk about regarding our Heist and your.. Role in it" he looked at me when he said this as if I had a different role than the rest of the group, I took a deep breath and focused.

"as you can see guys you are going to keep hostages in the mint for elven days, that's not a short time, and for sure you won't all be able to keep them under control. Expect them to fight, make escape plans and overall make things harder, so that's why Paris's role is important... You are going to pretend to be one of the hostages, gain their trust, calm them down, convince them into complying with the robbers. be our eyes and ears to make sure no one is plotting anything against your teammates"

I could hear everyone being loud and praising the professor for this idea of his.

"I see... Yes, I get it, professor, I have experience dealing with panicked people and these sorts of stuff" I said worried and beginning to really feel this is real.

"i seriously thought you were going go to be our personal chef" berlin ssid as he drank his wine.

I rolled my eyes at his joke.

The professor went on about how he isn't really going to be in the mint with us and rather be our mastermind who's going to keep a watch on the security cameras, guide us on how to act with the wired telephone we going to install to his hideout.

He choose Berlin to be our leader inside of the mint and to exactly follow his order incase the professor couldn't answer our calls.

Berlin is the most experienced theif in the country, he has done countless thefts regarding stealing diamonds and antique stuff. He seemed to value the very expensive and sophisticated things, his clothes, his wine and cologne choices really shouted narcissistic gentleman that lived for luxury.

I could see the pride in his eyes and the way he sat back when the professor said all these good things about him. I got impressed even more, or maybe I shouldn't giving the fact that he's a thief. He indeed was a very smart man nonetheless.

The professor went on explaining how moscu is going to be our driller, controlling a group of guys to drill up a fake escape passage for the police to get confused with, while he alone will drill the real passage leading to the same hideout the professor is going to be in.

Rio is our technology nerd dealing with anything regarding technology.

Helsinki, Oslo, Denver and Tokio didn't really have a special role other than acting as the tough guys Infront of the hostages to keep an eye on them and keep them under control.

Nairobi is going to be responsible for the group of men who will print out all that money.

We discussed more about the Heist and it was finally bedtime. I could see Rio and Tokio go together holding hands, they weren't even afraid to draw attention to them, but it was pretty obvious they were together. Well, the professor really did put a hard rule of no touchy touchy for 5 months, no wonder some people are going to get out of control, my thoughts again were drawn to Berlin...

he was standing there near the big window drown deeply in thoughts while he was drinking, keeping one hand in his pocket. I stared at him from afar. Moonlight highlighting his dominant features. I decided to approach him and talk with him.

"hey Berlin, how are you feeling"
He looked at me quickly sipping more of his wine. I could see his beautiful eyes in this moonlight, but I kept my cool.

"to be Frank I'm rather pleased and a little sad of your role in the Heist, on one hand, you are going to be the safest of us all, but it's also going to limit my... Time with you" his eyes curled and he smiled fixing his tie.

"well thank you for your concern... But it's not like we are supposed to have a relationship here" I looked him in the eye and it was silent for a moment. I said that but deep inside it wasn't what I wanted... But still, I couldn't just give him what he wanted that easily.

He turned straight to me and got a bit closer.

"you see Paris if you are going to be a hostage, then I can and have every right to treat you the way I want, you can't do much or else the other hostages might roll on with you and your heroic brave attitude " I rolled my eyes back and sighed.

"you should play fair," I said looking to the window

he stretched one of his hands to carry my cheek and push my hair to the side getting close to my ear, I blushed a bit wondering what he has on his mind. And he said.

"life is not supposed to be fair... Little girl, it might not show on my face, but I've been in a total of 5 marriages, they all failed badly. How about you, any past relationships?"

I just stood there shocked at what he told me.

"5? It seems like it's more of a problem with you than them I.. I'm afraid, and no I've never been with anyone before"

I could see him get a little angry with what I said so he stepped back and laughed it off

"you don't know the whole story, Paris so don't start making assumptions about me, you still don't know who I am, now excuse me to go to my room"

he confidently walked out the room and left me all alone, I started thinking about what he said, and who this man really is.

I walked up my room closed the door behind me and changed my clothes. I sat there writing when I heard a knock on the door, I told them to come in.

"Hey Paris I hope you a have a moment to talk," said the professor and I sat on the edge

"yes professor, of course, come sit"

he looked rather adorable with the kind of pyjamas he's wearing, he smiled awkwardly fixed his glasses and sat beside me.

"thank you for accepting such very important role, having you here will make things so much better, but you see I noticed that starting to have a liking to you"

I blushed and averted my sight from him "it really isn't what you think!" nervously I said.

"i hope so, i just want to make sure you understand how important it is to keep everything professional in here"
Said the professor.

"yes, i fully understand"

"then i should leave you to sleep, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow" he said patted my shoulder and went out.

After struggling to sleep, I'm woken up by the sound of Tokio and obviously Rio breaking one of the rules, it was so embarrassing to hear what they were both doing, but how can you blame them really. You can't force adults to act as virgins for 5 months. After half an hour of hearing all this, they finally became quiet and I went back to sleep

taming the monster: Berlin X Paris. La Casa De PapelWhere stories live. Discover now