Say "Please Master" 1

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"What's on my page, Paris? Dirty secrets, perhaps fantasies? We can read them together you know" Berlin.

Relaxing in the bathtub... Escaping everything that's out there is truly my favourite thing to do right now, I didn't want to think about anything nor anyone.

I slid down fully in the bathtub trying to forget everything, can I though?

This past week has been the craziest ever in my life... My life has always been the most simple, calmest life you can imagine, but now...

I'm contemplating a Heist with a bunch of strangers... Ones That I'm honestly beginning to feel close to, but still... I've been away from my family for the first time.

And for the first time ever... I met a man that stole my heart like he stole diamonds.

One that you can't predict at all, And that's what's dangerous about him.

Perhaps that's why the professor choose him to be our leader, besides them being brothers.

I bring my head up and take a deep breath.

I hear a knock on the bathroom door that brings me back to reality.


"oh Paris, it's the professor. May we speak after you are out?"

"yes I've taken long enough here sorry, I'm coming out now"

I get out of the tub putting on my bathrobe.

I head to my room to change into my clothes.

A skirt... High woolly socks and a woolly blouse, all in black.

I sit on my vanity to brush my hair and fix myself when I look at the clock...

"oh my it's 6 pm already .. I must've slept in the bathroom" I sigh

I put on my perfume, take my bag with my book inside it and head downstairs to the living room.

I spot Berlin and the others gathered around our study table.

papers, blueprints and a small replica of the royal mint building all across the table.

The professor stops talking, spots me and calls me in.

"right on time Paris, we will discuss how we are getting in now"

I nodded and stood next to Nairobi with Berlin across of me.

I couldn't help but look at him. He looked very calm and focused, wearing a white shirt with a dark green tie and a brown suit vest. He flashed me a slight smirk.

I couldn't help but smile at him, feeling my heart beat faster just seeing him there.

"your first move is going to be the hardest... Getting in." said the professor looking to everyone

"2 armoured police vehicles are going to head early to Royal mint with currency papers inside it ready to be printed"

" your job is to stop it and hijack it before it gets there"

" The first car is going to have 2 policemen inside it. Berlin is going to take the clothes and identity of one of them while keeping one of the real policemen to use him for driving and speaking with the gatekeepers. You will keep him under control by pointing a gun at his stomach."

I look at Berlin worried about him, but he seems to be calm as if this was something he does every day.

"the other men are going to get our tools and everything inside the second vehicle and hide inside it"

"as for the ladies, Nairobi and Tokyo are going to get in by the front door that Rio is going to hack to stop from starting an alarm" everyone is extremely calm and focused, but where I am in all of this?

"as for you Paris, you will go there early, the mint Is having job interviews. They are luckily in need for a new secretary"

"you will go there pretending that you want to have the job"

wow the professor is truly a mastermind

I nodded

"so all of us are at a much greater risk than she is," said Rio shrugging at the professor

"and your problem is? Each one of us has a different job here, and together we complete each other." berlin said looking at me with a warm smile making me blush

"if you are that scared already maybe you should back out now," said Berlin coldly.

"guys it's OK calm down please," said the professor and he got beside me

"Paris, your teammates will continue studying their entrance plan, I have another job for you, may you follow me?"

"yes professor" I followed him to this room I never seen open before, he took out the keys and opened the door.

He got in and turned on the lights, the room seems to be an office.

On a green board on the wall, laid many photos of people

"professor. Are these the hostages?"

"exactly they are" he fixed his glasses

I stepped closer, I stared at all these people, beginning to feel guilty.

All these people are having normal lives, but no more once we get in there.

"How did you get all of these photos? "

"well I, of course, did research about every single person that works there"

Said the professor staring at the photos.

"This must've taken a lot of time," I said surprised

"I've been studying this plan for almost all of my life," said the professor sadly

"oh, how many years I spent on all of this, so Paris. All of you need to stick together, this has to work."

"yes professor, hopefully.."

"and please, don't make anyone distract you, this can't be done having a love relationship in it"

"I know professor"

"I brought you here now so you can do some research about them, I need you to get inside their minds, gather as much information as possible about your patients"

"that's a good move indeed, I'm gonna have to connect identities to these faces to feel more comfortable dealing with them"

"I knew you were the one for this job Paris, I trust you. So much."

I smiled warmly at the professor and he smiled back

"I will do my best professor, all of you are my second family now"

"then I will leave you to do your job Paris, we will be in the next room discussing other stuff" he left and closed the door behind him

taming the monster: Berlin X Paris. La Casa De PapelWhere stories live. Discover now