Daddy ( Explicit Dream)

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A dream Berlin is having while being unconscious from Nairobis hit
Bdsm involved.

After the party the gang had, they all went back to their rooms.

Paris was tired, so she fell asleep on Berlin's lap.

"princess, are you asleep?" he gently patted her head and whispered in her ear ever so gently.

"daddy...give me more time, I wanna sleep with you" she whined.

"daddy has some stuff to do before bed darling, I will finish them and join you" he picked her up in his arms and laid her down on her bed.

"promise you will be back" she moaned, still asleep. She held his hand, stopping him from going.

"I will" he kissed her forehead gently and covered her with the blanket.

He closed the door behind him and headed to his room.

He began feeling sick and it was time for him to take his injection.

He rested there for half an hour before he took some stuff from his room and headed to Paris.

He gently opened the door and saw her cutely sleeping in her bed, hugging into her pillow.
Her skirt moved up, showing her thighs and her panties.

Berlin devoured her with his eyes as he stepped closer to her.

He got into the bed with her and patted her head. She rested her head on his chest and felt it with her hands .

"are you going to sleep with me tonight" she looked up at him blushing.

"you've been a good little princess, so i will" he smiled gently and kissed her head as she cuddled him.

"tell me, i can feel something is wrong with you" she said as she cuddled him.

"let's see, i haven't really spent alot of time close to my little angel, that's all" he began tickling her sides.

"no! Stop please" she said as she laughed.

"my cute little girl, guess what i brought for you" he kissed her head.

"what!" She sat up next to him excited

He picked up the pink gifts box from the ground and placed it on the bed between them.

"open it up" he smirked gently, rubbing her thigh.

"i can't wait!" she clapped her hands and opened the box up.

Her eyes widened as she saw a cute pink skirt, blouse and long socks. With a chain and her favourite chocolate.

"no amount of gifts could ever be enough for you, but for today you have this little princess" he said as he lied back on the bed.

"oh my god, i don't know what to say! Thank you so much" she jumped on his lap and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her waist as one hand sneaked down to her buttcheeeks. Squeezing it gently.

"daddy's love for you is unexplainable, and this small gift definitely is nothing" he kissed her cheek gently rubbing his nose on it.

"it's not nothing of course, anything small or big you do for me makes me happy" she said blushing, then Berlin grabbed the box and took the chocolate out.

"let's taste it together" he opened it up and cracked a Peice for her.

"open your lovely mouth for me" he said and she did so.

"oh my god... It's so much better than what i remember" she said while eating it.

"give daddy a taste, let me taste your Tounge princess"he said seductively as he got closer to her lips.

taming the monster: Berlin X Paris. La Casa De PapelWhere stories live. Discover now