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When i stepped outside of the class, there stood the same guy.

He was typing on his phone and didn't really notice me.

I approached him and turned him my way, looking deeply in his eyes.

"you've been following me for weeks now! You better be having a good explanation or im calling the police" i looked into his green eyes and he finally gave in and started speaking.

"just calm down, you and i know very well that we dont want the police involved, i know what you are up to liza"

My heart skipped a beat " what do you mean?" i let go of his shoulder.

He looked around and back at me "come with me, we will talk somewhere else"

We went to the nearby open park and sat on a bench.

" I've been sent to keep an eye on you for some reason" he huffed clearly annoyed.

"it isn't a fun thing to do, but i owe this man a favour, so there's that" he kept looking away.

"w.. What but who is this man" i demanded to know.

"andrés, my partner in crime, and my friend" he looked back at me.

"so you know what we are up to..." i took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"yeah, me and andrés planned for another Heist which is even better than this one, but for his brother, he choose to go with his dream plan instead of ours"

"i didnt know that..."

"there's no need for you to know"

"hey, we are both kinda in a... Relationship now" i said

"aha, is that it" he giggled.


After having my thoughts wander on that day I found out andrés was being protective of me by sending his friend to watch me. im brought back to reality by a voice of a lady asking me questions through the reception window.

"sorry, miss, how can i help you?"

I answered her questions and kept working.

Tomorrow is the day... Working here has givin me so much insight on the buliding itself and on its workers.

Ones that i began to have a really good friendship with.

My part of gaining their trust was done, and with that, i also felt like i cant let any harm lay on them.

Tomorrow is going to be it, either the gang get in alive without any harm to either sides, or... It's going to be a complete tragedy.

Seeing everyone around me smile, work hard and cheerfully... calling their families and having lunch... And me being the only one that knows its the last normal day for them is really stressful.

I answer calls after calls and fill in paperas.

"hey liza, you dont look too happy today like you always are" monica patted me on the back and smiled my way then she sat on her desk.

"oh its nothing, i think my period is approaching thats all, it does really mess with my mood" i smiled her way and looked down again working.

"your life cant be as complicated as mine is right now" she laughed it off with sorrow.

Oh believe me... It is.

"oh, would you mind telling me?" i moved my chair near her and patted her knee

"yeah, i am planning on telling you or else i wouldn't have said anything in the first place" she looked at me with teary eyes.

"go ahead"

"im sure you know mister roman is married and with kids, but i fucked up... Im pregnant with his child now and i dont know what to do" she looked down in shame.

"monica... I dont really know what to tell you... Do you actually love the man?"

Gosh i was shocked that such a smart beautiful lady like her fell for such a man, her taste in men was very poor.

But what can i say about taste... Some people may view my interest in andrés as very stupid as well.

" yeah, i dont know how, but i just fell for him, i dont know if he actually loves me or its just lust" she looked up at me, sadness all over her face.

"yeah... We really cant tell them Apart from each other sometimes, can we? Men can mask lust as love easily sometimes" i said those words not sure if they do apply on my situation or not.

"yeah... Its hard, sorry we should go back to work, can i invite you for dinner today? Just have a chat and forget about men for a night" she smiled.

"that would be very nice, yeah i do need some time out too"

And with that, im going to have my last normal dinner... With one of our hostages.

Tomorrow is a completely different story.

taming the monster: Berlin X Paris. La Casa De PapelWhere stories live. Discover now