I Should Punish You

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"Paris.. You naughty girl. Do I need to put a stamp on your forehead that clearly says you are mine?" Berlin.

Berlin's P.O.V

"Before you say anything Sergio, I very well know how to separate pleasure from work when we get in there, it will be different." I stepped in front of my brother with my head up.

"I don't know how, andrés. I don't know how one could mix love and a Heist together"

"that's because you never experienced true love, little brother"

"How can you tell it is love yet! How long do you two know each other now? Less than 2 weeks" Sergio threw his hands up in anger

"love can't be measured with time, you have to live it. that's the beauty about it" I chuckled

"that's what you've always been saying throughout your 5 marriages, andrés"

"that's very rude of you brother, you do not tell another man this"

"love also can't be responsible for ruining a Heist, never! You can't allow a relationship to destroy this" Sergio was fed up

"what you don't understand Sergio, is that inside there, we are risking our lives. ruining the mission is very likeable to happen, you can't control everything the way you want." I laughed

"no... No ruining the mission is only likeable if you guys make a mistake, like falling in love" Sergio shook his head

"that's what's funny about it, chaos and errors are inevitable, my brother. Your idea of a perfect life is incomprehensible"

"how do I live life... Andrés"

"enjoy it, until the party's over. that's what's important. Because one day, things will get so much worse" I tap on his shoulders and he nodded

"we've been thinking about this our whole lives, Andres... You out of all people can't ruin this." Sergio placed his arms on my shoulders

"I know, you don't need to tell me about it"

"I will go to sleep now" Sergio left and I headed back to my room.


Paris's P.O.V

It is only 9 am now. But it surely has been a long day filled with a lot of things...

I find myself unable to close my eyes so I decide to finish some more work until I feel completely exhausted.

Not so long after, I hear 2 gentle knocks on the door, but they aren't Berlin's.

"coming" I get up and open the door and I'm surprised to see its Denver.

Wearing A t-shirt with no sleeves and a boxer just below his knees

"hi..? Denver? Everything alright?" I shouldn't have opened the door I'm not even fully clothed. Just wearing a tank top and shorts.

"I can't sleep can I get in, if you don't mind?" he had a very sad look on his face

"um, I don't know.. I don't want anyone to think.." I chuckled looking inside my room

"Think what?" he chuckled

"alright, it's nothing get in.. " I let him open the door and I walk back to my desk to finish work, but I felt completely uncomfortable.

He closed the door behind him and cleared his throat "so... Working late I see"

I look back from my chair and I find him looking around awkwardly, is this his first time around girls?

"um yea the professor wants me to understand more things about our hostages" I smiled at him warmly and he sat on the bed

taming the monster: Berlin X Paris. La Casa De PapelWhere stories live. Discover now