D Day (part 1)

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The only thing I could hear right now is the ticking of the clock and my heart beating.

The tension was unbelievable, I could feel my fingers trembling as I tried to focus on the papers Infront of me.

So much was going on in my mind, Giving that I had no idea when they were breaking in.

"good morning, you look like you need a cup of coffee" Monica handed me a cup and sat on her desk.

"I don't depend on coffee to function, but I feel like I need this today. I haven't slept well yesterday" I took a sip looking at her.

Then I looked at everyone else around me, acting happy and cheerful.

Thinking so much began affecting me badly.

"my period is making me dizzy," I said and lied my head down on the desk.

"take it easy, you can take a break if you want, don't exhaust yourself," Monica said.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to wander around for a bit" I got up and went out. I needed some time alone to just forget about everything.

I walked through the mint, mesmerised by its beauty in some areas.

I smiled at myself remembering that I and andrés are going to be locked up together for 12 days. If they make it alive...

Mister roman, on the other hand, took the opportunity of liza being away from Monica and he approached her.

Smelling her neck and her hair he whispered

"I can't breath when I'm close to you"

"breath now, because after 9 months you really won't be able to breathe" she looked at him and smiled, in turn, his expression changed completely to shock and he rushed out of the room.

Meanwhile, the students arrived inside the mint, beginning their school trip.

Liza came back and was assigned to take their names and give them identity cards.

"Welcome to the royal mint everyone I hope you enjoy and learn new stuff today," liza said smiling as her eyes looked at every face trying to find miss parker.

And there she was, liza was relieved to see her.

The gang was already in the truck with their masks on, heading to the checkpoint near the mint.

"such stupid masks, who choose them" Rio took off his mask.

"what's wrong with them?" berlin across of him said and took off his.

"they aren't scary, in every movie theifs use masks like grim reapers, skeletons... " Rio answered and in a split second berlin pulled out his gun on him.

"with a gun in your hand, it's even more terrifying to wear a mask that isn't actually scary," berlin said coldly.

"So who's this country boy with the moustache," Denver asked his father.

"his name is dali, a famous painter"

"you mean he does art, paints pictures," Denver asked cluelessly

"yes, an artist," Moscow said.

Nairobi and Tokyo, on the other hand, couldn't hold their laughter about how silly men could be.

But things needed to be serious now, they reached the place.

They surrounded the police car, pulled down the policemen and got hold of the real van that is authorised to get into the mint.

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