Love Knows No Place.

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"the way you dress,paris. It turns me on so much, and it makes it hard to ignore you. Its also perfect for easy access..." he bit his lips while smirking at me and his eyes curled smiling.

9: am

I had the best sleep in awhile.

I get off the bed, wear a lilac blouse, black skirt and knee High socks.

I head downstairs to have breakfast with the gang.

I stand Infront of the dining room entrance "hey all, good morning"

They stopped talking and replied, Berlin wasn't there yet.

"a little late Paris, how you are feeling? " the professor smiled.

"pretty good" I nod and head to the cooking area.

I start making my breakfast, my arms moved, but only one thing was on my mind.

Everything that happened last night. I couldn't hold my blush and my smile.

The room's aroma suddenly changed with that cologne, footsteps walked in calmly, and I knew it was him.

I tried to stay calm and not look back at him.

"good morning, ladies and gentlemen," berlin said calmly like he didn't care and started walking towards the kitchen.

"I can't believe you actually called another man other than yourself a gentleman, starting to get humble now aren't we,
? " Denver said sarcastically.

"I didn't specify, maybe I didn't even include you, get over yourself," berlin said coldly with a sarcastic laugh.

I focused my eyes on the eggs I'm cooking, but my heart was racing quickly, even though I've lost my v card to him last night... I still felt nervous around him.

He passed behind me without saying a thing and went to the fridge.

He moved elegantly throughout the kitchen.

Standing beside me preparing his strong coffee, I couldn't help but take a quick glimpse at his face.

He wore a blue suit, white undershirt and a blue tie.

Men in suits are extremely attractive, but he knew how to wear his better than anyone I've ever seen.

I got distracted in his attractiveness when suddenly I burnt myself accidentally when I took the eggs off the stove.

"ahh!" I screamed in pain.

"Paris!" berlin quickly got closer to me and held my hand.

"are you OK?" he calmly said looking me in my eyes with worry.

I looked at him blushing and nodded " yeah it's a small burn I should be OK soon." I smiled slightly loving the way he worried about me

He let go of me and went to one of the drawers to grab out a burns cream.

"here, give me your hand" he tried not to look at me anymore and be more professional Infront of the others.

I gave him my hand and he applied the cream on it.

I looked to the side so the others won't see my blushing face, I felt his fingers and his warm hand on mine... I remembered our intimate night.

"be careful next time" he let go of me and quickly put the cream back in the drawer and got back to making his breakfast.

" Thank you... " I grabbed my egg toast and my hot cocoa and went to sit with the others.

"Hey, you OK?" Nairobi said worried.

taming the monster: Berlin X Paris. La Casa De PapelWhere stories live. Discover now