How I met Juri

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Sapphire was jogging along side with Zuwon and Dominic to 'stay in shape' as Zuwon puts it but the two guys in blue knows he was was scouting for more girls and information, and speaking of information.

"Hey Sapphire..?" Zuwon asked gaining his attention.


"How did you meet Juri, I've always wondered." He asked making Sapphire sigh.


-Flash Back-

Sapphire was traveling through a lively town wearing his blue cloak and black and blue eye-patch but soon he had a feeling to dodge making him counter a flying kick coming from behind with a spinning roundhouse kick thus hitting his attacker who then stands up with power radiating off 'em.

Sapphire was traveling through a lively town wearing his blue cloak and black and blue eye-patch but soon he had a feeling to dodge making him counter a flying kick coming from behind with a spinning roundhouse kick thus hitting his attacker who t...

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"Nice move, you know how to get a girl hot and bothered don't cha? I guess I'll have to return the favor huh reaper boy."

"...So you know who I am?" He asked before getting into a stance.

"Oh but of course I know you, I also know that I don't need to hold back!" She charges him thus making him stand guard.

The female sends a kick his way making him back step causing her to miss as he jumped towards her and sent a quick jab at her face only for her to block as she raised her knee and kicks him in the gut thus pushing him back.

She laughed a bit before kicking her leg up before sweeping low thus sending some sort of low ki slash his way making back away before dashing forward only to disappear from her sight.

"What!?" She turned around only to get kicked into the air before getting punched to the ground.

"Why you!" She yells as Sapphire lands.

"Hmph, and here I thought you were going to be a challenge..." He says to her thus pissing her off.

The female grits her teeth as her left eye glows more brightly. "I kill you!!!" She soon appeared in front of him and kicks him across the face sending him flying into a building making her laugh a yandere-like laugh.

"Sorry Dominic but now I'm motivated..." He gets out the rubble and removes his eye-patch from his right eye as said right eye gave a majestic blue glow shocking the female.

"You have an engine too?"

"Engine? I don't even know what you're talking about but my eye always had this power, that being said prepare yourself!" He goes to attack until.

"Stop right there!" The two turn and see a chinese woman.

"Stop right there!" The two turn and see a chinese woman

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"Ugh! You again!" The female yelled in annoyance.

"What are you doing here Chun Li..?" Sapphire asked.

"I came to stop Juri from causing more trouble Sapphire..." She answered before getting into a stance.

"You always ruin my fun...See you next time Sapphire~" She smiles a crazed one before dashing off with Chun Li after her.

"What a strange woman...Juri huh..?"

-Flash Back End-

"And that's how I met her." Sapphire finished.

"I guess you are right, she is a strange woman." Dominic agrees.

"But how did you two get together?"

"Well after the first encounter she keeps running into me trying to fight me, she ended up gaining some of my speed thus getting more and more stronger each time we fight, until..."

-Flash Back-

Sapphire was minding his business until.


Sapphire gets kicked across the face from a flying kick as his attacker lands in front of him.

Sapphire gets kicked across the face from a flying kick as his attacker lands in front of him

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"Hehe, you're losing your touch fighting buddy~"

Sapphire simply sighed as he massage his jaw. "I haven't lost it, this shows that you're getting better at concealing your Killing Intent {KI}." He told her as he glanced at her new outfit. "Ah a skin tight outfit I see, quite sexy I'd have to admit." He complimented.

She smiled. "Flattery might help you Reaper Boy~"

"How about a date..?" He asked catching her off guard.


He chuckled softly at her dumbfounded response. "A date, me and you, and maybe we can get together and fight afterwards if you feel like the date wasn't good enough." He said causing her to think to herself about pros and cons of dating the Blue Reaper.

-Flash Back End-

"Next thing we know we were sitting across each other and somehow I made her smile a genuine smile and not that blood thirsty one." Sapphire told them as he shows a pic.

" Sapphire told them as he shows a pic

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"Dang I missed out..." Zuwon mumbled causing Sapphire to glare at him.

"Anyway after that she decided not to fight but instead wanted to live with me at my beach house and I guess you know what happened after that." Sapphire says as both males understood what he meant. "Well there you go, happy Zuwon?"

"Happy? Meh... Satisfied? Yeah."

"Alright let's call it a day and head home." Dominic spoke up making the two males nod before heading back as Sapphire had no idea of what was waiting for him in his dark room.

" Dominic spoke up making the two males nod before heading back as Sapphire had no idea of what was waiting for him in his dark room

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