Questions For The Boys

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So I've recently got back into BNHA again and rewatch most of the series once more so my question for you guys is this.

1.) If you were in BNHA, what side are you on? Good, Evil or Neutral?

2.) You hero/villian name

3.)What's your quirk, please give a description on what it does.

4.) And lastly if you had to choose a girl you'll be loyal to, who would it be and why? (Yes only one girl)

For me;

1.) Neutral, simply because Sapphire does something that only benefit him

2.) Kitsune, He'll will be wearing a black Fox mask and is super quiet

3.) Hell Fire; Can create strong blue or black flames from his body will begin highly resistance to other flames

Drawback; If used for too long his own flames will burn his body from the inside out.

4.) Toga, simply cause I like bad girls and I'll make Sapphire relationship with her like Batman and Catwoman

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