Chapter Six

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That evening before dinner, a bunch of us campers sat together outside in the grass chatting.

"Alison Perry, I need to speak with you," Shona Fairview announced as she moved in beside her. "You'd never guess who wants to go out with you."

"Who?" said Alison.

Shona tossed her head and laughed. "Are you ready? Because you won't believe it. This is too funny."

"Just tell me who the hell it is," Alison demanded.

"No, I'm going to make you squirm," said Shona with glee. "Guess."

"Is he cute?"

"Very," Shona beamed.

"Oh my God, who is it!?"

Shona grabbed Alison's hands. "Neil Atkins," she said, cackling like an old witch.

Alison looked overjoyed. "Oh, wow! I'm so happy!" She did a victory salute by pumping her fist in the air, then did a little dance.

Shona rolled her eyes and shook her head. "He wants you to meet him at his cabin right now," said Shona. "To be honest, I don't know what he sees in you, but whatever. My role in this is over." She shook her head again and hopped up and walked away.

"Alison, he's a jerk," Lauren warned. "Don't you dare go over there!"

"Agreed," I said. "Neil's a big jerk."

But Alison was in another world. "See you later, guys," she said dreamily, waving, as she made her way to the Boy's Cabins.

After my therapy appointment, Lauren and I were doing crafts when Cory walked into the Games Room with Sindi Jarvis. They were holding hands. I looked down at my art. I took a deep breath, then I dumped glue all over it.

"Jenni, what are you doing?" Lauren asked. "Don't let Cory get to you like that. Don't let him have power over you." I got up and threw my craft into the garbage.

Alison walked into the Games Room and sat down beside us. "How did it go with Neil?" Lauren asked.

"Well, he was drunk," Alison whispered with wide eyes. "He was hiding in his closet when I arrived. Neil jumped out, laughing, then asked me to sit on his lap. He kissed me, and I could taste the alcohol on his breath. He told me Billy and Shona are sleeping together and that all the kids are having sex nowadays. Then . . . Get this . . . he asked me to go steady!"

Lauren raised her eyebrows. "He's just using you, Alison!" she shouted. "It's so obvious!"

Alison's glowered at Lauren. "Oh shut up, Lauren!"

I cleared my throat. It was apparent to me that Neil was a scumbag who was using Alison. I had to try to get through to her, because Lauren had lost Alison's trust, dating guys that Alison liked. "Alison, if Neil was drunk, that's one strike against him. If he tells you all the kids are having sex, then asks you to go steady, it seems like he's trying to manipulate you into having sex with him."

Alison looked thoughtful. "That doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with him," she said, pulling her fingers through her long brown hair.

"You will," Lauren said.

Alison whirled around to face her. "I thought I told you to shut up!? You're the one who goes out with every guy I lay eyes on. God only knows what you do with them in private!"

"Excuse me?" Lauren replied with hands-on-hips. "I'm not that way. I'm not a tramp."

"Um, see you, girls, later," I said. I decided to go for a walk to give Alison and Lauren a chance to finish their catfight.

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