Chapter Ten

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When I awoke early Tuesday morning, it was hot in the cabin. I got up and showered and dressed and went outside. It was just after six o'clock in the morning, and it was 80 degrees already according to the thermometer outside the cabin. I sat on the cabin steps and brushed out my copper blond hair and shook it out so it would dry in the sun. Everyone else was still asleep. I loved quiet mornings where I had the world to myself. Suddenly I heard the kitchen staff clanking dishes around, down the hill in the dining hall.

"Jenni, it's boiling out," Lauren said, rubbing her eyes.

"Yes," I said. "I've been up since six."

Alison was all dressed and putting her sneakers on. I did a double-take at her.

"How did you get dressed so fast?"

"I don't know?" Alison mumbled. "I was up when you were outside. I've never been happier in my life."

"Why?" I asked, jumping out of my bunk sleepily. Lauren was in the washroom.

"Neil and I are back together. He told me he loves me."

I looked at her suspiciously. "Are you kidding me?"

Alison blew up. "Jenni, I'm sick of your negativity. Go blow it out your ass!"

I chuckled at her outburst. "Okay, I'm sorry. I wish you and Neil every happiness."

Alison stuck her tongue out. "You better."

Lauren came out of the washroom. "Hey witches, I'm going to the dining hall, see you."

"Oh, but Alison has some big news," I stated.

Lauren whirled around to face us. "Oh, really? What is it?"

Alison beamed. "I'm back with Neil, and we're in love."

"Aw, congratulations," Lauren said sincerely.

Alison softened and walked over and put her arms around Lauren. "Thanks, Lauren."

Tonya walked in and smiled. "Isn't that nice?" She observed. "For a change."

"Yes," I said. "Give peace a chance." I went to the washroom to get dressed. I felt awful. I had cramping pains in my abdomen.

During the flag break, I noticed the campground seemed extra bright from the brilliant sunlight. I was squinting. I'd forgotten my sunglasses back at the cabin. I spotted Cory with Chris, Jeffrey, Dale, Lauren and Alison. Cory spotted me and yelled at me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"No, I feel weird," I answered.

"Oh no," Cory replied, looking concerned.

I sat down with all my friends. Cory had a walkman on.

"What songs are on this tape?" I asked, tapping on his cassette player.

"It's Van Halen," he said.

"Do you have Madonna?" Lauren asked.

"Madonna? Who's that?" Dale asked.

"She's a new singer. Her hits are Holiday and Borderline. But I like her song Lucky Star."

"Never heard of those songs," said Cory.

"Well, she's going to be at the top of the charts by next year, you wait and see," Lauren predicted.

"Yeah, whatever you say," Dale said, laughing.

The bright sun was bothering me, and I was having continued cramping pain. I felt positively ill. I ran back to the cabin to look for my sunglasses. When I got to the washroom, I had a surprise on my hands. I'd gotten my period at camp of all places. I was thoroughly disgusted. My periods were irregular so I never knew when they were coming.

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