Chapter Seven

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The next day Alison and I were watching Lauren practice gymnastics with a bunch of other girls when we saw Cory walking alone.

"Hey, Cory!" Alison called out, nudging me.

"Hi," Cory mumbled, looking despondent.

"You seem depressed or something," said Alison.

"I am depressed," said Cory. His face looked blank.

"What is it?" Alison asked. "What's wrong?

"My mood," Cory explained.

"What from?"

"I get like this sometimes, especially if I'm tired."

"Oh, I see," said Alison. She elbowed me.

"Um . . . I hope you start feeling better soon," I told Cory.

"Thanks," he said, shaking his head.

Alison elbowed me again. "Go talk to him!" she whispered severely. "Sindi dumped him for Jeffrey. He's available now."

I bit my lip and sighed. Then I willed myself to go over to Cory. I certainly didn't want Abigail to have him.

"Would you like some company?" I asked, then immediately regretted such an open-ended invitation. I wished I knew how to flirt. Why did I have to be so lacking in social savvy?

"I just want to be alone right now, but thanks, Jenni. I'll take a rain check."

I was devastated, and I headed to the beach and considered drowning myself, but when I got there, I realized what a stupid idea that was. Drowning was not the way I wanted to go. I sat down on the dock and imagined what it would be like to die. I decided I hated Cory Mattson.

On our way to the lake for swimming, Alison and I ran into Neil. He looked as if he was in a trance. "Hey, come here, you!" she called to him. Neil walked toward her like he floating on air. "Neil, what's wrong with you?" she asked suspiciously.

"Yeah," Neil replied, and he started swaying back and forth.

I shook my head. "Neil, are you on something?" I asked,

"Hey babe, let's dance!" Neil took my hands and began ballroom dancing with me.

"Um . . . are you on drugs, Neil?" I asked.

Shona and Sindi appeared. "He's totally messed up," Shona explained. "He's drunk, and he's taken some other stuff too. He's probably seeing weird shit right now. Have fun," Shona said, as she and Sindi headed for the water.

"Well, this is just great!" Alison fumed. "Neil, what drugs did you take?"

"Of course not!" Neil replied. "I just took a bit of acid. And weed. And shrooms. And vodka."

"You're going to get in trouble!" Alison fretted. "You're a wreck!"

"Where'd you get the drugs?" I asked.

"I dunno. Oh yeah, I found them."

"Oh, don't bother asking him anything," Alison said bitterly. "He's useless right now."

I noticed all the other campers were at the beach or swimming, and Simon, the Camp Director, was headed our way.

"Oh no, here comes Simon!" I alerted.

"Why aren't you campers gone swimming?" Simon boomed at us cheerily. "Off we go now, in the water!"

"Uh, we all have colds," Alison lied. "And us girls have our periods."

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