Chapter 20

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She saw him taking a seat on the other end of the sofa but she ignored him. He had been sending her these pleading glances all day, even when he thought she wasn't aware, but she had steadfastly turned aside. Her own stubbornness denied the need to attend to him, though somewhere in her, she had already come to terms with the fact that the gang world and its members were things she may never comprehend. He had been brought up to fight for what he had. Giving way meant that those under him would lose their lives. Where did she stand though? She didn't know.



Received 09:48PM

Can we talk?

Received 09:48PM

Hana gave the lighted screen of her phone a glance before returning her attention to the television. 

Of all times! she thought in annoyance. 

Her herd of zebras were now running for their lives as a pride of lionesses chased them down. Growling and urgent braying filtered through the speakers, accompanied by a backdrop of stampeding hoofs. National Geographic, she felt, could always make her feel better what with all its exciting chases, hunting and fighting without the involvement of human emotion.


After the programme is fine too.

Received 09:49PM

Beside her, she felt him shift. He had brought his feet up onto the couch, and now he hugged his legs to his chest, settling into a posture that should have portrayed comfort, save for his tense shoulders.

The programme was gradually shifting to cover the pride of lions. The camera panned over the large cats sunning themselves on an outcrop. One zebra had been mauled and taken down, and now the lions were feasting and squabbling over the carcass. Their jaws were smeared in sticky, red blood, and for a moment, she thought how animalistic humans could be too. 

She swallowed as David Attenborough began to narrate the mating practices of adult lions and her face flamed when the lion casually covered his mate. Her fingers reached for her phone.


What is it?

Sent 09:51PM


I need to talk to you.

Received 09:52PM

She pressed the 'power off' button and laid the remote down on the table.


'There are two things that I have to talk to you about...' he murmured.

Her side was to him, unwilling to turn, ignoring the fact that he lived in the same house, ignoring his existence, his attempts to make peace. Not a change in her breath, not a shift of her head, to let him know she had heard.

The whole day had passed, yet a wall of empty space remained standing between them. He wondered how long more he had to endure, for he could no longer bear it. To her, he supposed it was a safety barrier. An intentional barrier too, he added. 

She was making it clear that she didn't want him close to her, had made it clear the whole day when she had spent her afternoon and evening out with friends. He shifted over a little, the better to set about beginning the conversation, but she stiffened. Oh god. He had a hand on his chest as if to hold his heart back from being ripped out. She was really afraid of him, wasn't she?

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