Chapter 46

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A/N: Here's a lighthearted chapter to cheer you up :D

For those who wondered what happened to Leon and Hana in those three years, Between Then and Now is up! Check it out in my profile and let me know what you think! :D chapters will be posted when RH is done.

Also, Hana's birthday is next week! Want to suggest something? Let me know in the comments!


The last thing he expected when he was washing his hands was to have Juan Gonzales pop up behind him. It made his heart jump, needless to say, to look up and have those green eyes glowering at him in the mirror. Leon hadn't made a sound though. He knew to be composed. He also knew Juan was the sort who had no qualms overstepping the boundaries of privacy.

Though, Leon reflected sourly, this bathroom was Juan's property since it was in his bedroom in his club.

'Well?' he prodded brusquely. He snatched at the paper towels and roughly dried his hands with it before crushing it into a ball and tossing it away. Laughter from the rest outside floated in and he realised he was itching to get out and rejoin them. If they knew they were both in here, he thought, hell would break loose.

The face relaxed and the mouth widened into an inviting smile.

'Missed me?' he teased lightly.

Leon spun about swiftly, his brow drawn into stern lines and his mouth tight. He issued a bout of air through his nostrils as he stared down at the man before him. There was a barrage of words just on the tip of his tongue, ready to be let loose, but they remained there. Accusation, anger, annoyance. Instead, other words flowed out.

'You kidnapped my wife,' he spat, his tone ringing with ferocity, 'Then you disappear for three years.'

'Shh, shh, shh,' Juan whispered soothingly as he stepped so close. He leisurely placed an elbow on Leon's shoulder as he leaned into him. The scent of his cologne, unusual for a man to wear, intrigued him. It reminded him of a bouquet, but what, he could not recall. Up close, his eyes seemed even greener and he could see the deep brown specks surrounding his iris. There was a pulsating heat between them that he couldn't quite comprehend. The last time he felt like that – No, he didn't want to go there. 'I'm here right now. You can take me.'

His eyes widened at the offer. He pushed Juan away in disgust but Juan pushed back, holding his arms down by his wrists. Juan's strength took him by surprise. Then again, Leon had always been thrown off by that slim frame.

'You want me,' he stated. 'Just like how your wife does.'

Something akin to a low growl left the back of Leon's throat as his eyes narrowed into slits.

'Nothing like that,' he snapped as he shook his wrists free from Juan's grip. 'Get off.'

'Oh?' Juan murmured with interest, pushing back again till Leon felt the hard marble of the sink dig into his back, 'Does the mention of your wife put you off?' He raised a hand and a slim finger tugged at Leon's lower lip. There was that sweet scent again. 'You are a man of one idea, aren't you? She wants me, you don't like it. You want me, you don't like it. I say – ' He pressed himself against him as the side of his mouth quirked into a sly grin. 'Give in.'

'No,' he breathed. His heart was racing wildly in his chest.

'The three of us,' he whispered, 'Would make a nice picture on a bed.'

'Don't you dare touch her,' he snarled. His hands flew to Juan's collar, gripping them tight in his fists.

'Mm,' he murmured, drawing his head back a little with a slight smile across his face. His hands went on either side of Leon to rest on the sink. 'I'm afraid it's too late.'

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