Breaking News part 3: Crunchyroll

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Okay, folks, I'm back here with even more breaking news as this new age of Webtoon keeps on trucking along! And if you didn't believe me more you have to now as Crunchyroll and Webtoon have joined together to make fully-realized Webtoon anime! This means folks that many of the top tiers may finally get the credit that they deserve! I really hope this all works well since there are honestly so many gems that this can not fail.  

Also on top of all that the popular Lore Olympus has also been confirmed for an animated series that will be animated by Jim Henson! My god, this is going to be great! If there is one Webtoon that I personally think deserves an animated appearance it is God of highschool. It is the undisputed king of action webtoons and its animated fights would definitely be jaw-dropping.  But with that put aside the next respect spotlight will come out soon so be ready for that and don't worry, I'll be happy to shine a light on any future news. 

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