daughter of evil and deadly wonderland

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Lady in front of Zaki was a lot prettier than when she saw her in the portal. Like she saw earlier the lady had long purple hair, right half of her face was coverf by a mask what had HUGE red smile, she had black shorts and only in her body her chest was cover by black peace of clothing. She looked like a slut but by the way she talked to others was scary anf Zaki knew is dangerous.

Miumi was first person who they went to talk with, the bunnies, that lady weren't humans, kishins nor witch so they went to ask does she know about ehat they are.

"Miumi! We need to talk with you," called Maka Miumi out. She looked at seven of them, sat down on her chair and asked ":whats wrong? Where is Zaki? She is normally with you."

"That is the problem! We lost her, she was pulled in thr portal," said Soul. Miumi didn't say anything and it scared them all.

"Who pulled her in? Did group of people with white bunny mask and one colden were there," asked Miumi and it wasnt her happy-go-lucky voice, it was scary one and no one have ever heard her talking like that. Maka only nodded and Miumi sight ":there is 50% chance that Zaki will be hypnotized or killed, but i thot Big Madame was dead." The students didn't understand who she was talking about. "Oh yeah, you haven't heard of her," she had blush of emberest ": Big Madame is an powrful Soul Sucker, she have killed lots of us just to have the powers what her victims have. She eats the meet not the soul of that Soul Sucker and have its powers."

"Zaki is in danger then," said Liz ": i want to help to find her, i am sure she isn't stronger than Azura." Miumi looked at Liz ": you are wrong, she might haven't attack DWMA but her powers are known to Soul Suckers. She can change her soul to kishin, witch and human's." No one said a word, it was too much to handle.

"You said 'i thot she is dead', what do you mean by that," asked Kid.

"You see, Soul Suckers get an notification when one of their kind is dead, so i got it about Big Madam but looks like she is alive," explained Miumi.

"How many of Soul Suckers are alive?! I thought only you, Purple Sky and Zaki are Soul Suckers," asked Kid. Miumi laughed a little and opened her mouth again ": there are lots of us, we live more than thousand years." "How old are you then," asked Patty.

"201 years old, or in human years 21," asappAa Miumi. Everyone looked at her like she is an alien and then had their normal faces back. "Can you talk more about Big Madam? We need lots of info about her," asked Tsubaki.

"Because Big Madam is all the Soul Suckers enemy i will tell everything what i know about her," said Miumi and said what she knows about Big Madame. About everything she talked about was the most importentone thing and it was deadly wonderlang, group of people, Soul Suckers and witches, all of them are under Big Madames controll and it might be the place where Zaki is.

》with Zaki《

"Zaki, huh? I haven't heard that name before," said Big Madame. Everyone calls her like that so Zaki assumed that it is her name. Big Madame took Zaki by her new collor and dragged her. Zaki was scared of her, Big Madame seemed to be a lot more dangerous than witches who holded her in jail.

"Kazaki, my bunny. Sent your members out for a little hunt," Big madame said with her dangerous look ": i want Miumis and Purple Skys ability! And do it quickly!" She commanded the little boy with pale blue hair, one reddish brown eye and very classical lolita uniform. He powed ":yes Big Madame!" As he walked away he putted on his maks and black cloak. Zaki now knows that he is the leader of Bunny's. Now she was scared, if Big Madame gets Miumis ability she will be stronger than before.

"Look in my eyes Zaki," sayd Big Madame and Zaki did it. Big Madame smirked and Zaki fell under hypnouse. "In the name of ....... ......, you are under my controll and get under hypnouse strongest DWMA students," said Big Madame. Zaki copied her sentences and her eyes went dull. Big Madame has Zaki under her controll and she takes off of Zakis collar.

"Ruby, be a good little demon and get me some human souls," said Big Madame as ruby red scorpion climed on her shoulder.

daughter of evil (soul eater fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now