daughter of evil and controlled

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Bib Madame had very evil plan for little Zaki, she was going to take her body under her controll and take over death city and take the power of every living thing. she didnt care what Zaki said to stop her, she needed power and more workers on her side.

"please Big Madame, i dont want anything to happend with you nor my friends," tried Zaki to change her ": have you heard what happend with Medusa and one kishin?" Big Madame only laughed at Zaki, what i stupid little girl ": of course i know what happend to them, but i dont care. I dont care about anyone and dont try to change me! " she kicked Zaki and waked away ": who said i am going to go there and take Death city over, i have great plan and it is where you come in. i will use you to get there and to get deaths trust, same as taking over some of your friends bodies and make them work for me."

Zaki was in so much pain, it had been her fifth day here and everyday she gets beaten up by Big Madame because she just gets bored of her work.  Zaki isnt sure does she want to live any longer, her life is like a real hell and she cant get out of there as well. now her world is black and she cant see anything.

"Zaki," Maka called her lovers name when she saw her but Zaki wasnt her self but she didnt know it. Maka hugged her and was super happy. "i missed you Zaki," she said and looked into Zakis eyes. Zaki kissed her forehead and smile ": i did too!" "how did you get out, Miumi thought you might dai now because how dangerous she is," Maka was this time only one who didnt find it weird. "i have got out of there once already, i am fine dont worry," Zaki said and smiled.  "do you feel weird vibe around her too," asked Liz quietly from her sister and Patty nodded ":yes i do, cant Maka feel it?" Liz sight ": i guess she is to deep in love with her, i feel bad for Maka though. She is blind when it comes to love!"

daughter of evil (soul eater fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now