'For Better or Worse' Chapter 6

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(I like drunken party scenes don't judge me Lol)

Bakugo's POV
I woke up in the morning. It was Saturday, the day of the party. Eijiro and I planned to meet up at 5:00pm so we can walk there together since he doesn't know where Dunce Face lives. That idiot gave me a real scare at the beach, but he's fine now so that's all that matters. It was about 4:40 and I was getting ready to go. I wore jeans, sneakers, a red hoodie and a black T-shirt. At 5 I met Eiji at out meeting spot. "Hey bakugo!" He waved happily. "Sup." I said calmly. "Let's go!" He said highly excited. I chuckled with a smirk, "You seem to be excited for your first party experience." He nodded quickly before grabbing my hand and walking far ahead of me, "Yea I am so let's hurry up and go!!" I laughed, "You don't even know where we're going." He let go of my hand and blushed as he awkwardly scratched his neck, "O-oh yea right. Hehe.." I rolled my eyes with a smirk and started to lead us to Dunce Face's house. Once we got there we both went inside there were tons of kids from my school. We were imidentally approached by Dunce Face and Alien Chick, "Hey you guys were able to make it!" She said happily.

Kirishima's POV
"Oh hey I need to show you guys something!" Kaminari said before grabbing my wrist and starting to practically drag me somewhere. I tried to get bakugo's hand but I only managed to touch it one time before losing him in the croud. I was still being dragged by Kami and Mina. They eventually brought me to the not-so-crouded kitchen. "Soooo Eiji, bakugo mentioned you've never really been to a party or done anything that fun." I slowly nodded. She smiled mischiviously. "Ok Eijiro! I would like to introduce you to an old friend of mine! His name is..." She pulled out a few large bottles, "alcohol!" (Y'all know where did is going ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ... NOT THERE YOU PERVVVVVS ಠ_ʖಠ) "W-wait what???" I asked nervous and confused. "Alcohol! It's a drink, it's good try it!" I shrugged and thought 'what the hell, it's the only time I can actually have a good time for once' "sure!" I smiled. "Ok what do ya want?" I shrugged, not having alot of knowledge on alcohol, "I dunno, surprise me." Mina smiled and poured me a cup of... I don't even know what it was. The rest of the night was sorta a blurr.

Sero's POV
Bakugo and I were like the only sober people in our friend group. The only bad thing was that I had no clue were he was. I was walking around looking for a quiet place when out of no where Kami and Eijiro stumbled up to me, arms around eachothers shoulders. "Hey man wassup!" Kami yelled. Then him and kirishima started 'talking' back and forth. They were both mumbling, but laughing and talking back and forth like they under stood eachother. Then Mina, in the same state just angrier, ran behind them and started yelling random shit-. I was stuck baby sitting their drunk asses for the rest of the night until everyone left.

Bakugo's POV
After I lost Eijiro, I looked around for him but I couldn't find him. After about an hour of sitting in the corner and listening to music, I saw a drunk Mina lurking around from the distance and decided that was my que to leave. 'Ya know I should go get Eijiro out of here... But on second thought, I think he'll be alright ;-;' were my last thoughts before leaving. At around 3am I got a call from Sero. "Ugh what the hell do you want Tape Arms!?!" I yelled into the phone. "So uhh can you come get Eiji...? Him, Kami, and Mina are all wasted. Mina is yelling at them, Kami is acting like he normally does when he uses his quirk too much, and Eiji has been crying his eyes out for the past 2 hours because he wants to be with you and Mina won't stop yelling at him-" he sounded like Aizawa normally did in the morning. In the background I distantly heard, "Wheressssss f-f-fakugoooooooooo----""SHUT THE FLUCK OOP!!""Whaaaaa!!!" I tried so hard not to laugh at sero's struggle. "Yea I'll come get him, but the other two are in your hands." I got up and walked to Kaminari's place. When I got there I knocked on the door and sero opened it, holdindg onto the back of Eiji's shirt like he was a dog. Sero had huge eyebags and looked exhuasted. He practically shoved him forward at me and slammed the door shut without saying a word. He stopped crying imidentally as soon as he saw my face. He went from looking like a drunken mess to... A happy drunken mess. "Fakufro!" He said happily, "Let's go home now." He started to walk but stumbled. "Oh my God you're an idiot." I bent down abit and put my hands down low, "Get on my back you moron you can't walk." He happily got on. We started walking back and he let all his weight melt onto me and practically almost fell asleep. As I walked us home my back began to start killing me. "Ugh! I'm. never. letting. you. drink. again.!" We got back to my house eventually and he was passed out. I layed Eijiro on my bed and looked down at his wet clothes. Him and the fabric reeked of booze. 'I ONLY want to change his clothes because they would make MY room smell like shit!' I thought as I grabbed a pair of my clean jeans. 'I'm making him sleep in jeans as payback for me having to carry him all the way here' I thought. I looked down at his pants and blushed. I looked away at the floor as I slowly yanked them down. I (somehow) managed to put the clean jeans on him without looking at any restricted areas. His shirt wasn't really that big of a deal, but I still blushed just as much, maybe more. I just put a simple grey t-shirt on him, it was abit big but not that much. I layed Eijiro in my sleeping bag on the floor and I layed in bed. As I was laying there, finally almost asleep, Eiji climbed into bed with me. "Hey-! what the hell-!?" I stopped and looked at him as he whined. 'Probably cold. And mentally unstable' I rolled my eyes and let him lay there with me. I turned around not facing him, I felt him wrap his arms around me as he rubbed his face into my back. I wanted to push him off, but I didn't for one reason only... beacause I didn't want him to start crying because then I wouldn't be able to sleep. That's the only reason... Right?

"For Better or Worse" -Kiribaku-Where stories live. Discover now