"For Better or Worse" Chapter 2

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Bakugo's POV

After we left the store me and Eijiro decided to meet up the next day at a local cafe. He said he wanted to ask me questions about being a hero and what-not. I sensed that the conversation might get a bit annoying for me. I'm not saying he's annoying. I'm just constantly being asked questions by reporters on the street so it gets old. I went back to the dorms with a slightly happy feeling. When I got there I ate some rice and then went to lie down in bed. I tried to get to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about him. I eventually fell asleep and woke up around 7:00am the next day. I got up and put on a blue flannel with a grey t-shirt under and some black skinny jeans. I got up and took a one hour run like I normally do every morning. After my run I went back to the dorms and watched TV for awhile. Once it was 10:00am I got up to go meet Eijiro. I walked to a bench which was our meeting spot. As I approached the bench I could already see him from the distance. He looked over at me and brightly smiled with a wave.
"Hey! Bakugo!" I smiled lightly. 'Wait did I just fucking smile?!?!' I thought to myself before putting my usual snarl back on.
"Hey." He stood up and looked at me, "So you said we were gonna go somewhere to talk?" I nodded, "Yea, and eat. I'm hungry." Eijiro's stomach growled, "Yea me too I'm starving..!" He put his hand on his stomach and slouched.

"Tch- come on dumb hair-" I chuckled, lightly smacking the back of his head. He smiled awkwardly. I walked and he followed me until we eventually got to a local cafe.
Eijiro's face lit up, "*gasp* I've never been to one before, I've always seen them on TV!" "Geez you act like you've never been outside your house your whole life" I mumbled. We went inside and sat down, "What do ya want?" He picked up the menu and looked at all the pictures, "Wait are you saying I can get ANYTHING on this?!?!"
I slightly got annoyed and sighed, "Yes Eijiro, you can get whatever's on the menu-" he smiled even brighter. "What can I get you boys?" Asked the waitress when she made her way over to our table.
"I'll get a ca-" I was cut off by Eijiro, "I'll get the cream berry donut, a frappuccino with whipped cream, a salad,-" the list went on and on. " Uhh are you sure you're gonna be able to eat all that??????" I asked highly annoyed and confused. He smiled and nodded his head. I ordered my food and the waitress left.

"So what's All Might like?" He asked. I kinda assumed that'd be the first question, "All Might... Well he.. he doesn't give up and he really just wants everyone to be safe and happy. He can beat anyone. But I'll be way better than him some day."  He continued to ask more questions until the conversation stranded off to him asking about my classmates and what I think it means to be a true hero.
Soon our food came and sure enough Eijiro ate it all. "Well I guess you really were hungry." I laughed. "Wooow look bakuboi is laughing~" he teased me.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled. He winced and quickly leaned back a bit as if I was going to hit him.
I calmed down for a few seconds, "Why do you assume I'm gonna hit you?! I'm not evil, I'm a hero, I would never actually hurt you or any innocent person..!" I said a bit loudly, but not yelling. He again, smiled awkwardly, "Yea sorry.. I know you would never hit me. Sorry." I didn't say anything.
It was quiet for a moment until our waitress came back over to our table, "Here's your check boys." I pulled out my wallet and payed for what I had ordered. I looked over at Eijiro and he just stared at me.
"Aren't you gonna pay?" I asked. He looked slightly confused, "Wait I had to pay money for this???" I face-palmed, "Yes Eijiro you have to pay money for it-" he paused and laughed awkwardly, "Hahahaha,,,, I kinda don't have any money......" I growled slightly, "This is the last and only time I'm treating you to food..! Ya got that?!" I pulled my wallet back out and payed for him.
After we walked out of the cafe I looked over at him, "So like, where do you sleep at night? You don't have any money and you don't have a good relationship with your parents so I assume you don't live with them...?" He seemed to have gotten a bit nervous. "W-well ya see,, I don't go home ever, I normally just find some sort of shelter at night and... Sleep."

Kirishima's POV

Yea I lied. I mean what else could I say? I couldn't tell him about some fake house that I live in, and I can't tell him where I really live. Bakugo suddenly looked really worried, "w-would you like to stay at my house tonight? To like get a normal good sleep..." It almost looked as if he was blushing a little.

(Again guys my editor hasn't finished editing this yet, but I'll be sure to update it once it is. It'll probably be like this alot but it's no problem. Also gooooo followwww themmmmmm DefineNormalXx)

"For Better or Worse" -Kiribaku-Where stories live. Discover now