"For Better or Worse" Chapter 3

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Kirishima's POV

I blushed a bit as well. 'What would Tarou think if I didn't come home?I don't have a cell so I can't call him. But at the same time I kinda wanna go.. for investigation purposes only of course...!'

"S-sure... I guess." His expression didn't really change,
"Ok. I got a few more errands to run if you wanna come with me?" I nodded my head and we went on our way.

Timeskip- 8:00pm

Once we were done running errands, we made our way to bakugo's house. He walked in first and I awkwardly walked in behind him.
"Mom I'm home! And I brought a friend! YOU DON'T LIKE IT TOO BAD!!!!" I hid my face in my hood a little nervous for what this dude's mom would be like. After a few seconds of me almost hiding behind Bakugou, a spiky blonde haired woman ran down the stairs. I could only assume that was his mom.
"Katsuki, you have a friend?!" She sounded quite surprised.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" He snapped. I awkwardly stuck my head out to the side from behind Bakugou and put on a tiny smile.
"H-hi-" I started. She then smiled, walked over to me, and rapidly shook my hand.
"You must be special! Katsuki never refers to anyone as a 'friend'! My name's Mitsuki, feel free to make yourself at home!" She said to me and I smiled.
"T-thanks..." I stuttered.
She nodded, "I made dinner already, you boys just go help yourselves." Bakugo nodded and I followed him into the kitchen.
"Well she wasn't as scary as I expected." I chuckled as Bakugou rolled his eyes. We both got bowls of soup and ate. After we were done eating Bakugou showed me his room and let me watch TV while he took a bath.
Once he was done he came into the bedroom with a t-shirt and sweatpants on, and a towel around his neck. "Your turn." He said as he threw a towel and clean clothes at me. "Wear these, you look like you haven't changed in a month, they're too small on me so they should fit you fine." He said,a snarl in his tone.
I nodded and got up to bathe. Once I finished I went back into his room.
"You sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." He said as he pulled a sleeping bag out of his closet. "You don't have to-!"
"I have every day to sleep on that bed, you don't..!" He cut me off. I sighed and laid down in the bed. Bakugo shut the lights off and laid in the sleeping bag. I stared at the ceiling for awhile, unable to sleep.
Eventually I heard snoring and I looked down to see that bakugo was asleep. I tried to hold in a laugh 'I wish I could take a picture to piss him off' I thought to myself. I stopped staring at him because that's creepy and looked at some of the stuff he had hung up. There was the metal he won at the sports festival. A school photo of him and the class.
They all looked pretty happy, except for the teacher and bakugo. I noticed Todoroki as well. Dabi's younger brother. Apparently Dabi tried to convince Todo to come with him but he refused. It looked like a warm environment. 'Maybe being a hero isn't too bad' I smiled lightly before falling asleep.

Bakugo's POV

I woke up in the morning and kirishima was still asleep. He was hugging my pillow and drooling a bit. I quietly chuckled with a smile and got up and dressed.
My parents were still asleep so I made some food. I left two plates on the table for my mom and dad. I went upstairs and set eijiro's plate on my nightstand. I went downstairs and sat on the couch and watched TV. After awhile, Eijiro came downstairs with a smile. He sat next to me, "Thanks bakubro!" I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Bakubro? Really?" I said the last part with a laugh. "Oh look you laughed!" He pointed in my face, "You should do that more often!" He put his hand down and smiled. "So what do you plan on doing today?" I shrugged, "I dunno, what do you wanna do?" He looked a little nervous suddenly, "I-I was actually supposed to be meeting up with my big brother today to talk to him about... family stuff." "Oh ok." I was a bit disappointed because of this but it didn't bother me too much. We watched TV for awhile and then Eijiro went upstairs to get dressed back in his clothes. Once he came back down he put his shoes on and got ready to leave, "Maybe I'll see you around...?" I nodded, "Yea of course. But I have school tomorrow, maybe wanna meet up after?" I asked. "Sure!" He smiled brightly, "But where?" I thought for a moment, "Hmmm... wanna meet outside the school gates?" He nodded, "Sure what time?" "3:15pm works" he gave me a thumbs up and walked out with a quick wave.

"For Better or Worse" -Kiribaku-Where stories live. Discover now