"For Better or Worse" Chapter 9

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WARNING! This chapter contains the following:
Gun Violence

Bakugo's POV
I woke up sitting on top of some building, "What the hell!?! Where am I?!" I sat up quickly and looked around to see the same guy, but with some fancy looking gun in his hand. "Who the hell are you?" I asked angrily. "Oh Katsuki, you're awake!" He said with a phsycotic smile. "Don't fucking Katsuki me." He shrugged, "I'm sorry~" He paused and smirked, " well, while you're up here, I might as well greet you. Hi I'm Tarou Kirishima! My younger brother is Eijiro Kirishima." He looked like he was expecting some sort of reaction, but honestly the only thing that was surprising is that Eijiro had a brother. "Oh, well I guess you haven't heard the story yet. 5 years ago there was a nice family that got corrupted. Me and Kiri's parents both died. Well our family was corrupted even before they died. My dad always hit and yelled at me, Eiji and our mom. And she was carrying a baby! He was a sickening man. One night, when I was 14, I was sick of it all! My parents died. My dad was shot and my pregnant mom had a heart attack. They managed to save the baby, but we never met them." He paused and put his hands in his hair gripping it tightly, "Can't you see Katsuki! I killed my parents! It was all for little Eiji's sake! He couldn't live in that enviornment! So somebody had to go! But they couldn't suspect poor innocent little 14-year-old me!!" Every sentence he sputed, he seemed to get more and more phsycotic. "You sick fuc-!" I started to yell. "Anyways," the guy cut me off, "we had nowhere to go, so we joined the league of villains, I hope you've heard of us??" He asked. I didn't respond, all I gave him was a deadly look of discuss. "Anyways, I noticed Eiji has been growing closer to you. I can't let him switch sides! He can't leave me, not after all I've done!! You cant take my Eiji away from me! He's all I have! All those moments when we were kids, I cared for him. I love my little brother more than anyone else, so you have to go too!" He held the gun up, "This gun connects to my quirk. My quirk is that anything I throw, hits you 100× harder than it normally would. That's why the baseball knocked you out so easily! But now, once I pull the trigger, the bullet will peirce your heart 100× harder than it normally would!" He grinned. I attempted to use my quirk, but it didn't work. "Sorry buddy, not gonna work. One of my friends is using her quirk. Her quirk makes it so only someone with my DNA can use their quirk up here, and you sure as hell don't!" He spread his legs apart and pointed his gun up towards me with one hand. His eyes widened with, yet another phsycotic smile, "It's time to say goodbye, Kat-su-ki-!!" He pulled the trigger. I didn't see a bright light, or death. All I saw was a flash of red jump past me.

"For Better or Worse" -Kiribaku-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora