"For Better or Worse" Chapter 4

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Kirishima's POV

I walked home from bakugo's house. When I got there I was greeted by Dabi and Toga at the front door. "Hey Kirishima!" She said before hugging me, "Tarou! Kiri's back!" I smiled awkwardly, "Ya now you guys are free to call me by my first name? You're like family to me." She let go and stepped back as Tarou walked out of his room, "Yea, yea I know. I just feel like kirishima sounds manly, for a manly guy!" I looked at them and sat down next to the bar. "So what did you find out about our enemy?" Asked Kurogiri. 'Right. Our enemy. Bakugo is our enemy. The heros are our enemies. But what if I don't want them to be our enemys? Why are they our enemies? what if I still want to keep my place within my family...?' I thought. "oh. I found out that they get out of school at 3:15pm." I responded looking down. "So who'd you get the info from?" Asked my brother. "Oh, Katsuki Bakugo, the first year who won first place at the festival thing." "So I assume that's who's house you stayed at last night?" Asked my brother, slightly annoyed. I nodded my head slowly. "I'm not gonna get too mad at you now, but be sure to try and come home. And don't tell him your last name." I nodded, "Yes I didn't tell him my last name. And sorry about staying the night, won't happen again." Tarou smiled. "I'm gonna go in my room." I said before standing up and leaving the room. I went into my room and started doing my normal exercises that I normally do every night. I was thinking about bakugo and his life. The next day I stayed home watching movies with Tarou and Dabi. It was fun to spend some time with them. I don't have alot of quality time with Tomura because he spends alot of his time talking to "the boss" whatever that's supposed to mean. When it was about 3:00pm I got ready to go meet bakugo. I put on a red hoodie and some jeans. "Ok I'm leaving now Tarou." I said knocking on his bedroom door. "Ok good luck bro!" He yelled from inside. "Mhm! Bye!" I walked out the door while waving bye to everyone with a smile. I walked towards where to school was. Suddenly there was a huge rush of people and I got trampled. After what seemed like hours, the street cleared up. I had a bleeding scratch on my right cheek. I ignored the pain. I wasn't one hundred percent sure we're the school was so a asked a random lady that was walking on the sidewalk. "Oh UA? So you go down that road and take a left, then straight and you'll see the entrance. But be careful of the security system, if you don't have a teacher/student or visitor ID." I nodded, "Thank you miss!" I waved and ran off in that direction. When I found the gate I sat and waited. Soon enough I heard the loud pissed off voice of Bakugo yelling. He came out of the school with four other people. I recognized the people as, Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari, Ochako Uraraka, and Izuku Midoriya. "Is it a girl?!" Asked Uraraka. "Is she cute?" Kaminari. "when'd you meet?" "Are you going out?" They threw 100 questions a second at bakugo. "Will you guys just shut the hell up?!?!?!" He yelled over them before looking over at me. He quickly ran over and examined my scratch, "How'd this happen? Are you ok???" He asked concerned. "Yea, yea I'm fine." I scratched my neck. "Ohhhh so it's a guy." Said Uraraka. "Hi I'm Uraraka, and this is Mina, Kami, and Deku! What's your name?" I awkwardly looked over at her, "Oh hi I'm kir- Eijiro." "Are you sure you're fine?" Asked bakugo again, "Yea I swear I'm alright!" I smiled assuringly. He sighed, "So are you guys gonna leave or follow me around all day?" Bakugo asked them annoyed. "It depends on if we want to leave." Mina said with an almost mischievous tone. Bakugo rolled his eyes and I giggled abit. "Whatever, where do you idiots wanna go?" "An arcade sounds nice!" Denki said. "What about you Eiji?" I was busy staring at bakugo. "W-what...?" I jumped. "I said how about you Eiji?" I blushed alittle. "Eiji..." I whispered to myself. "Uhh yeah that sounds cool." I didn't really hear what he said but I kinda just went with it. They started walking and I slowly walked behind them. "So Eijiro, do you have a quirk?" Kaminari asked me. "Oh yea I do but it's useless and lame..." he smiled lightly, "Ahh come on, every quirk is cool. What is it?" I raised my arm, pulled down my sleeve and hardened it quickly and then unhardened it, "I-I can harden my skin... rock hard... I know it's stupid." I sighed and pulled the sleeve back down. "That's-" Denki began talking. "It's amazing. Nothing can break through you. You can break through everything. And it looks badass too. Can you do it to your whole body?" Bakugo said sternly. I nodded with a smile. For once in my life, I felt a tiny tint of confidence. "Yea it seems cool!" Said Midoriya with a smile. "Noone asked you Deku!!" When we got to the arcade the group went inside. "Hey Kirishima let's play this!" Exclaimed Kaminari, pointing to what looked like a racing type of game. "H-how do you play...?" I awkwardly asked, since I have never been to an arcade before. He explained to me how that game worked and we both sat down in the seats. I picked to drive a dirt bike because I always thought that they looked cool. Kaminari decided to drive a minivan. "What the hell?" I laughed. "My minivan is gonna beat yo butt!" "Oh we'll see about that!" We started the game and I started out in first. Not trying to be rude, but Kaminari sucked at the game. He was pretty much just swinging the steering wheel in random directions. But the sad part was that he actually thought he was doing a good job. Somehow we actually tied. "But- H-how???" I said in shock and confusion. "Dude you suck!" I laughed. "My minivan did just as good as your dirt bike so ha!" He laughed along with me.

Bakugo's POV

While at the arcade it was funny watching Eijiro and dunce face play the game. He was right, Kami really did suck. After about an hour we all decided to leave. "Bye Eijiro! Hope to see you 'round!" Denki called to Eiji. Me and Eijiro stood in front of the arcade alone after the rest of the group had left. "So... why'd you tell me to stay here?" He asked looking up at me. "I know you probably don't wanna stay the night again, but can you come over for just alittle bit?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes. He looked as if he was debating with himself internally before saying, "What time is it?" I looked at my phone, "It's 7:36pm." "My uhhh Uncle said I have to be there by 8:40 so I should be fine." He slowly said. "Hm uncle? I thought you said you just found random places to sleep...?" I asked confused. He face-palmed, "I normally jump from one family member or friend to another. Although I don't have many friends besides you." I tried to believe what he was saying, but part of me felt like he was hiding something. "O-oh ok..." I nodded, "Well let's go then." We both left and made our way to my house. When we got there, I gave him some food that my mom made. "Mm~ Your mom's cooking is really good!" He said as he chewed on some broccoli. "Well it's not the first time you've had it, you're just now saying it?" I chuckled abit. He smiled abit. Once he finished I tapped his shoulder, "Hey come here." He stood up and I lead him into the bathroom. "Why are we here?" He asked examining the room and myself. I didn't respond, just picked him up and set him onto the counter. "I'm cleaning that cut on your face before it gets infected." I said pulling out the first-aid kit out of the cupboard. I opened the container of rubbing alcohol and a cloth, "This is probably gonna sting. Just warning ya." I dabbed the cloth onto the cut and it bubbled alittle. He winced and glued his eyes shut. "Oh it's not that bad. You're lucky that I'm saving your ass from getting an infected face." I said rolling my eyes. Honestly I did it because I felt that I needed to help him or else I'd feel like a jerk. "Thanks bakugo.." he said quietly looking over to the side. After the rubbing alcohol stopped bubbling I put on the ointment stuff.(idk what to call it oof) and finally a large cloth bandage. I helped him get down from the counter. "Thanks again." He said with a small smile. I nodded, turned him around and pushed on his shoulder, "You can leave and go to your uncle's house now." I said abit flustered for some reason. He turned to look at me and smiled, "Mhm! Bye see you around!" I silently waved and watched him walk down the stairs, before hearing the front door open and shut.

"For Better or Worse" -Kiribaku-Where stories live. Discover now