"For Better or Worse" Chapter 11 (Final Chapter)

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Bakugo's POV
Its been 4 years now. 4 years of pain, school, tears. I was 18, and graduated. I still had Eiji's hoodie. He left it at my house once. I also had a picture of us printed out. He took it on my phone once when I wasn't looking. These two small pieces of memorys. Memory's, that's all they were. The boy that took my heart, and vanished along with it. My personality definetly changed over the years. I almost had an attitude similar to Todoroki's, well at least while fighting. I lost the "I'll always win" attitude. That night when Kiri left me, it proved to me that I don't always win. That some people aren't able to be saved. I wasn't siverely depressed, at least not after a long time, but I was lonely. I woke up a bit late on a Saturday morning. I looked around my sunlit apartment room before slowly getting up and puting on some clothes. I went into the bathroom and looked at my bed-head and eyebags. I eventually got them from crying so many times within the past years. I was past that by then though. (Btw his hair is shaved on the sides and back, but spiky at the top) I got myself ready before checking my phone to see a message from Mina. It read, 'You ready yet?' Me and her were planning  on going to the orphanage to try and find a child for me to adopt. I already had all the legal paper-work saying that I am a suitable parent. It was too lonely living alone, and to be honest I've always wanted a kid or two. I responded quickly before checking to bring the correct paperwork and all that kinda stuff. I double checked my appearance in the mirror. I was wearing a red and black flannel with a black shirt and some jeans. I smiled softly before grabbing the keys and walking out the door. I was now an official hero, Ground Zero. Saving people silently, swiftly, but I always try to smile after. Like kirishima would want me to. I walked out to my red convertible. I got in and started the car before driving over to Mina's apartment. She was waiting outside for me, wearing a light green button up shirt, tucked into her jeans. She stood up with a smile and walked over to the car and got in. "You ready bakugo?" She asked. I nodded silently before driving away once again. We listened to music and talked about what was to come until we eventually got to where we were going. I got out of the car and she decided to wait. She was just there for moral support. I waved with a slight smile before walking into the building. When I walked in I was greeted by a kind, pretty lady sitting at a desk. After I had showed her all the paper work, she allowed me to come look at all the children available for adoption. There was alot of kids. It made me sad that all these kids were unwanted, lost, broken. I looked around the room, alot of the kids were interacting with each other. I noticed one small girl in perticular in the back. She wasn't talking to anyone, just staring out the window at the world outside. I walked to the girl for a closer look, she had long black hair in ponytails, red eyes and one sharp fang on the left side of her mouth. She looked alittle younger than 10 or so. "Hi.." I said to her softly. She looked up at me, "Hello." She said, her voice clear, yet alittle raspy sounding. "How come you're not talking to the other kids?" I asked, trying to make casual conversation. She shrugged and looked back outside, "I like the veiws of trees and birds." She said straight forward with not much expression. "What's your name?" I asked, curious about the girl. She looked over at me, "Aiko Kirishima!" She smiled showing her teeth. I could see Eijiro in her face at that very moment. I thought back and remembered what Eiji's brother had said that night, 'They managed to save the baby, but we never met them.' I unconsoisly started to tear up, "Y-you- you look just like him." I hugged her small body tightly, but not too tight. I held her like a fragile glass doll that would brake from the slightest bit of pressure. "Sir?" She asked confused, not hugging back. I let go of her sinse it did seem kinda creepy, we did just meet after all, "I-I'm sorry, I got emotional.." she nodded as a way of forgiving me, "Well what's your name?" She asked, seeming to be more open. "Oh I'm Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugo." I held my big, muscular hand out to shake her small, skinny one. She giggled and shook my pointer finger, "Nice to meet you Bakugo!" I nodded with a smile, "you too." I asked her a few more questions, her age, 7. Grade level, 1st. Birthday, April 22nd. "Oh hey, your birthday is two days after mine!" I said with a smile. After talking for a few more minuets I asked, "Is it lonely being here?" She frowned abit and slowly nodded, "There's not much to do besides looking out the window, and no one wants to be my friend.." I felt a small pain in my chest. Maybe it was because she looked like Eiji. What was I kidding, she was related to Eiji by blood. "How would you like to come live with me?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes. Her eyes practically sparkled, "D-do you really mean that?!" I nodded while laughing softly, "Yes of course." She nodded and jumped into my arms. I laughed abit more and set her down, "Alright, just wait right here and I'll be right back." She nodded, I walked over to the lady at the desk. While filling out the paperwork I noticed that her middle name was unknown. So I filled in 'Scarlet'. After the paperwork was stamped, I looked over at Aiko and motioned for her to come. She imidentally got up and ran to me with a smile. "Can we go now?" She asked and I nodded, ruffling her hair. We walked to the car and sat Aiko in the back. "Oh she's adorable!!" Mina exclaimed, "Hi! I'm Mina, Katsuki's friend!" Aiko smiled and waved, "Hello, I'm Aiko!" When we were dropping off Mina she leaned over and asked Aiko, "Do you have any clean clothes, toothbrush, anything like that?" Aiko blushed from embarrassment and shook her head no. Mina smiled and pulled a small pair of pink and purple pajamas out of her backpack and handed them to her, "Here you can sleep in these tonight, tomorrow me and you can go shopping if Katsuki let's you...?" She looked over at me as asking for approval, "Yea sure. You need money?" I said. Mina shook her head, "Nah I can pay!" With that we said our goodbyes and left towards my appartment. When we got there I showed Aiko around the house. I filled a bath for her and let her bathe herself. When she came out of the bathroom with the pajamas on that Mina gave her, she sat next to me on the couch. "So do you have a quirk?" I asked looking down at her, "Not yet. The doctor said I'll get one, I'm just a late bloomer." After awhile of watching TV, Aiko fell asleep and I carried her into the bedroom that she would be staying in. There wasn't anything in the room besides a window, bed, closet, lamp, mirror, and empty dresser. I tucked her in bed and looked down at her. Her face was pretty, I smiled, admiring how much she looked like the man that I fell in love with. Little did I know that little girl would one day grow up to be "Red Riot" the greatest hero of all time. With a quirk and attitude similar to someone else I once knew...

"For Better or Worse" -Kiribaku-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें