Asylum house

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Varun's pov:

             Oh! My God.  Mowli,Amar,Anu come here quickly. Where is the corpse of Anni's? See here! Someone broke the lock of cub board and theft Anni's body.

Mowli rushed towards the cub board and used her forensic brain. But the person who robbed the corpse was more than Mowli. He/She didn't left any of the traces. Mowli checked nook and corner but there was nothing. Anu seems speechless and frozened. Amar and myself went around the bungalow to track down the Anni's corpse.

The shadows were now twice as long as themselves,the air was damp and cool smelling dainty,the sun dipped lower in the sky until the trees that lines the lane stood as black status silhouetted against the darkening sky. Slowly their shadows melted away into the darkness of night,but till we didn't get anything. Amar already felt loss of his energy so he placed his glut under one oak tree which is covered by full of Mosses but in that dim dark we can't see anything it's just my assumption because I have done doctorate in Botany. Now I put my energy into walking. I never get tired,warms are crawling under my skin, crimson face,I lost my temper when I sense about my lover's murder.

Varun! Varun! Come here quickly I heard voice of Amar. So I rushed to that place what happened Amar?

Just take a deep breath Varun.

For that **** you called me here.

No Varun just take a deep breath and sense that odour which is a smell of smoke but it seems like that smoky odour going to expire i.e very mild smell,someone fired something ,before an hour ago.

We forgot to bring our search light in that hustle situation ,so we took our mobile phone torch light and hunt the source of odour. We walked for a kilometer we didn't get anything,my mobile battery also died. There is only one mobile torch light which is Amar's. That startup small flash light is not enough for vast area. We keep on moving. Suddenly the scent of smoky odour is somewhat heavy.

I felt something is wrong,my heart beat was racing. And all of a sudden I became very nervous,that smoky odour was very thick and heavy it seems we reached our destination. "Amar something scared me,I can't be normal,whether it may be my love's corpse? Whether someone get burried her body??". No it won't be like that Amar convinced me. But I know because she is my love, love is not only about romance,lust.....Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart,it is of all passions the strongest,for it attacks simultaneously the head,the heart and the sense. She is not dead-She is just away from me. Physically we are not going to be together  that's it. She is living in my breath, in my every heart beat, in every cells and nerves, so even I can sense her ash odour with that thoughts  tears rolled up my cheeks. I went back and my back hit the 🌳 trunk, slowly scratched and level down to the ground. I was so so frustrated I am sorry Anni I can't even do funeral for you, I am that much of unluckiest person in this world, screamed powerful with all of my emotions.
Hii to all my readers even after years you are supporting me thank you. And I don't know you are enjoying it or not but I am trying to give my best.

By NV🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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