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[its a modern time.So it have technology. ]

[Hide and Seek]

-2 weeks later-

Nothing had happen in 2 weeks except for Jungkook being super clingy towards the first prince no matter where are they. As always, Jennie will tried to grab the prince's attention while her best friend always stay behind her, watching her with a heartbroken.Today, the younger prince invited his best friend to have a sleepover in the castle.

"Do we have everything here?" Asked the younger prince.

" snacks , check! Pillows, check! More snacks ,check! Comic books, check! I think we got everything" Jungkook said while nodding until he realised somethinh"wAIT"

"WE NEED MORE SNACKS!!" Vkook yelled in unison.

"DOnT WoRrY!! I gOt yOu!!" Taehyung ran out of his bedroom before yell "WE NEED MORE SNACKU!!!!"

Less than one second, someone already stood in front of the prince with a bag of snacks . "HERE!! EAT MORE, YOUR HIGHNESS!! If you need anything else, just called me! as your second eomma, I will do anything for my babies"

"Thank you, hyung " Tae showed his boxy smile to the older after took the bag. "Without you, I dont know what would happen to us!! OKAY BYE" Before Jin can reply, Taehyung slammed the door right in front of his handsome face


-a few hours after eating,chatting,eating,reading,chatting,eating,toilet and eating-

"...3...2...1...ready or not, HERE I COME!!" yelled the boy as he came out of the younger prince's room.They were playing hide and seek and now Jungkook is searching for his best friend.

"Where are you~~"Jungkook giggled.He walked to every rooms in the castle and oh boi, it was so hard to find someone's hiding in the huge castle with many rooms.

He stopped at the dining room and saw the king was reading a letter while sipping his tea.Beside him stood Namjoon wiped his glasses with a clean handkerchief .


"oh hey Jungkook" The king smiled and raised his eyebrow as he saw Jungkook was looking around the room. "what are you searching for?"

"Taehyung.." Jungkook pouted before sat next to the king "Have you see him?"

"No" The king tried to hold his laughter.So did Namjoon and Jungkook noticed them.

"Are you sure??" He asked.

"Yes" The king nodded. Less than one second later, they can hear something ,no, someone giggling.

Jungkook frowned before stood on the chair and looking around the room.He know that giggle and that giggle came from..

"AHA FOUND YOU!!" the boy yelled as he found his best friend hided under the long table.Taehyung came out of the table while laughing hard.So did the king while Namjoon chuckled.

"Okay Okay MY TURN TO HIDE!!" Jungkook ran away as the prince start counting.

"hmm~ where should I go?" Jungkook entered room to room tried to find a good hiding spot.


the boy panicked when he heard Taehyung's voice echo the hallway.He ran and entered a random room just to see something that made him drooling.

ThErE's A gYm iN tHe cAsTle!? Jungkook thought.

He internally screaming when he saw the soon-to-be king sleeveless was doing push ups revealed his arms muscles.His eyes goes from Jimin's arms to the Jibooty and Jithigh. Jungkook's literally drooling by the view.

My Cold-Hearted Prince ; Jikook [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now