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Long ass chapter but full of surprised
important for you to read this

[The best than him]

-In the next day-

" Jimin?" Taemin peeked through the door in the library.

"Yo bro, why are you still here?? Jungkook will leave us in a few minutes.You dont want to meet him for a last time?" He asked as he sat next Jimin, who was looking outside of the window on his couch.

"what's the point.. he doesn't want to see me...its better like this.."

"that's suck- I thought he's crazy over you"

"Not anymore.."

"Hey, I dont know about you but dont you think Jungkook is a little bit different?? I mean he is still same Jungkook but-- heh, you know what I meant, right?"

"Yeah, I know. You're not the only one..most people in this castle had wondering about that.."

"Do you know when he suddenly changed??" Taemin asked.

"...I guess.. on the Ball.. few days ago.. He still Jungkook that I know when Im with him that night... and in the next morning, he- suddenly changed and he and Daniel is dating.." Jimin rubbed his face with his palms and sighed.

"weird thing, I saw Jungkook and Daniel that night"

"what? what do you mean?" Jimin turned to the sorcerer. "what did they do??"

"I dont know, Im on my way to my lab and saw both of them in the hallway. Daniel seems like gave something to Jungkook, like a ring..I dont know because Im so tired that time--"

"oh maybe that was their engagement ring --"

"no no, their engagement rings are more like a normal rings I've ever seen.Pfft- Daniel should give him more expensive ring, you know?" Taemin chuckled.

"but the other ring is more..different..I think I've seen it before but I dont remember and Im not that sure because I didnt have a chance to look more closer at the ring so...I dont know"

"You nuggets, why didnt you tell me earlier !?!" Jimin frowned.

"hEy, I told you, I didnt have a chance to look at it, okay?? so I dont know!!"

"Okay, listen hyung, the ring Jungkook wear now, have a tiny pink love shape on it. So, I want you to remember, have you seen that ring in your book before?? "

"Tiny pink love shape you said? hmm?" Taemin tapped his chin. "Tell me more, Jimin"

"Ermm..ah! Yesterday when I talked to Jungkook, his eyes were more shining and sparkles than usual...I tried to look more closer but he push me away" Jimin said and looked at Taemin's reaction. "so?"

"I've read this before!!"


"yeah but not in my book..there's no such a thing like that in my book" Taemin said.

"So.. we cant do anything about it?"

"Of course we can!!" Taemin stood up and looked around his surrounding. "Im sure my grand-grandfather have kept his books here!!" Taemin ran around the library. "wait here!!"

Jimin wait patiently and looked back outside of the window. He saw Jungkook outside, talking to Yoongi hyung and behind him,there's carriage. Means that Jungkook will leave anytime soon.

"F-faster hyung!!" Jimin yelled.

[If I didnt put this caption, you wouldnt meet your dirty mind..but for fun I wrote this caption..🙆‍♀ sksk]

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