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Hi, I'm Stephanie Bolton and I have the werewolf gene. I'm 17 years old with long brown hair and light blue eyes. I'm 5'2. I know what your thinking right? A seventeen year old girl who's 5'2. Crazy Right? Well, that's besides the point. Like I said I have the werewolf gene. But here's the catch. I've never shifted before. Embarrassing I know. Well, my parents were born with the gene and so was my brother and my sister. Another fact. They have shifted already. I guess I'm the only one who hasn't. 

Anyways right now I think I'm a senior in High-school. I'm not 100% sure, and let me tell you why. When I was nine years old I went on a grocery store run with my mom. Nothing could go wrong right? Well at the time I was a child and my child mind thought, "Ooohhh, that's pretty!" and I wandered away from my mom. Suddenly a tall man stood in front of me and asked "Where is your mom Sweetheart?" and "Are you lost?" Well of course I didn't know where she was. 

He said to me, picking me up, "Let's go find her shall we?" Then out of the blue he took me out of the store and put me in his car. He said not to scream or he would kill me. He put Duct Tape over my mouth and a blind fold over my eyes. Basically I was kidnapped. I've never seen the sun ever. I've never had any birthday's or holiday's. No privileges whatsoever. My kidnappers name was Andrew. I was scared for my life. 

Anytime I did something wrong I got "Punished." When I say punished I mean raped, abused, screamed at, anything you could think of.  I cooked for him, cleaned, did his laundry. I was his slave. Finally I had enough. I was doing the dishes one day and got this terrible pain in my gut. I fell to the floor and screamed. Andrew was standing over me saying "What the Fuck is wrong with you bitch?!" I screamed again. My bones broke and it was the most unbearable pain that I've ever felt in my whole life. 

He said to me "Let me go get my gun and I'll make the pain go away." WHAT?! Your gonna make the pain go away by SHOOTING me?! THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! Immediately I blacked out. I woke up and guess what?! I realized I was a large black and white wolf. 

"Hiya Steph!"

 I heard in my head. What? Who's there! 

"It's me Jasmine! I'm your wolf!" 

What? I shifted?!


Where's Andrew? 

"Knocked out in the basement."

 Oh shiiiit....

 "Well as much as I'd like to stick around but I need a good run. Let's get out of this hell hole." 


"Leave it to me Steph." 

Hiya Guys! I hope everyone liked the prologue! It took me like four days to write! But I will be getting more chapters out soon! Enjoy The Alpha's Little Mate!

Lots Of Loves


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