Chapter 1 Stephanie:

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Above Is Stephanie!! 

I was running so fast I'd thought I'd fall over. 

"Keep running Steph, you can do this." 

Panting and running. 


 I hit my front paw on a log and went tumbling down a hill. Rolling and Rolling. 


I guess I hit my head on a rock because my head pounded with pain. My vision was getting cloudy and I saw the night before I went unconscious. Several growls rumbled in my ears. 

I woke up to several Larger wolves surrounding me. I realized I was human again. A tall black haired and green eyed boy stood in front of me. "Calm down." He barked. My heart was racing. "I can hear the sound of your heartbeat. Cool it." 

Jasmine's voice was heard in my head, "Run."

 I start to get up. "Running would be a really bad idea. I've got you surrounded." I closed my eyes and sat against a tree terrified of being screamed at. "The Alpha's on his way." The boy snarled before turning his back to me. 

My breathing and heart rate picked up again. His back was turned and I heard the sound of running footsteps in the woods. A tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes immerged from the tree's. An older man with blonde hair came to his side. I caught his scent immediately. It smelled like Vanilla Sugar Cookies. I noticed he was looking at me and my small figure. 

"Mate." His voice was deep and soothing. My eyes grew big. I didn't know what he meant when he said "Mate." My back scrapped the tree opening old cuts and making new ones. I winced. He approached me with caution. 

I pushed up against the tree again as my heart skipped a beat. "Calm down Love." His voice spoke to me again. I closed my eyes. My arms and legs were shaking with fear. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said sounding closer to me. 

My whole body was shaking. I could feel his warmth in front of me. 

"Hmmm." Jasmine said with curiosity.

 A pair of warm strong hands caressed my face. I winced again. A voice spoke up behind him. "Alpha she's been abused."  

He exhaled. "What's her name?" 

"Say it." Jasmine barked.

 "Stephanie." I squeaked. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with sincere eyes. His eyes were a deep blue. He was wearing a black tight shirt with jeans. 

"Stephanie, Can I take you back to the pack house so the doctor can take a look at your wounds?" He said to me with hope in his voice. "

You have to speak sometime Steph." Jasmine said. 

"Yes." I said trying to get up. Kinda shaky. 

He catches me, picks me up and runs into the trees. I yelp when he touches my back. He stops and looks at me with nervous eyes. "Are you okay?" He sets me down gently on my feet. I turn around and hear him gasp. I can feel his eyes looking at my cuts and scars covering my whole back. 

"Put your arms up love." He puts a large black shirt over my small frame. I turn around to face him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my hair. "I will find and kill whoever did that to you." 

He says getting on one knee and picking me up bridal style and runs into the woods once again. I think I fell asleep in his arms because I woke up to him Whispering in my ear. 

"Love wake up, we're here." I open my eyes slowly to a dark room. The light's are dim. A man in the corner brings up the lights to a warm setting. "Baby this is the pack doctor, can he take a look at your wounds?" I nod slowly. 

The man in the corner of the room steps forward and introduces himself. "Hello there Stephanie. I am Doctor Shawn." I nod at him and look at the man sitting next to me. "I assume your the alpha?" I say raising an eyebrow. He chuckles at me. "Yes I am. My name is Trystan." 

Trystan nods at the doctor. Doctor Shawn walks up to me and checks my Back, Waist, Arms, Wrists, Head and Legs. He looks up at both of us. "Miss Stephanie, the most major problem you have right now is one specific cut on your waist. It looks like you got yourself a nasty deep knife wound." 

Trystan gasps. I look at him and put my hand on his cheek. "Trystan, I'm okay. I didn't even notice it." I turn back to the doctor. "Can you fix it?" He nods and walks back over to the counter. I turn back to Trystan. He looks at me with scared eyes. I lean over to kiss his cheek and give him a small smile. He looks at me with loving eyes. 

"Stephanie... Your so strong. I love you."

 My eyes grow big.

 "Trust me Sis. I think he's telling the truth." Jasmine says with hope in her voice. "I do trust him.

" I look at Trystan with sincere eyes. 

"I love you too Trystan." He gives me a huge smile. 

"All done Miss Stephanie." I look at my waist to sit it stitched up and bandaged. 

Trystan smiles at the doctor. "Thanks Doc." "No problem Alpha." I let out a yawn. "Hmm you seem tired love." I look at Trystan with tired eyes. "Yes Ma'm let's get you some sleep." He picks me up gently and walks out of the room. 

I look outside and see the beautiful night. We are outside now. I nuzzle into his neck, he chuckles. 

He walks up to a large two story house. "Wow." I say. "Yes Ma'm it's pretty big." He opens the door to a dark room. I look around in the dark. "This place is huge!" I say with amazement in my voice. "Yeah it's been just me here for a long time. I got lonely a lot." He walks up the stairs and opens the door to a large bedroom with a bathroom installed. 

He sighs. "This is my room." I start to get sleepy, my eyes droop as he set's me down on a large bed. I'm half awake when he slips off my shirt and replaces it with one of his own. He does the same with my pants. He sits behind me while he brushes my hair. 

"Your hair is really long love." I yawn. "I've never cut it before." He picks me up again. "I like it long, it's beautiful." He lays me down on his bed and walks over to his dresser. He takes off his shirt and puts on basketball shorts. 

I look at his back. "Damn he's built." Jasmine says.

 I hear him chuckle. "I can feel your eyes on me love." he says with his back turned to me. "Sorry." I say softly. He turns to me and walks to the other side of the bed and chuckles. "No need to be sorry, silly."

 I lay down with my back to him. I can feel him suddenly behind me laying with his chest to my back. 

"He's warm." Jasmine howls.

 "I love you Stephanie." He whispers in my ear. He pulls me closer to him. 

Jasmine yips with excitement. "Chill Jasmine." I say to her.

 "I love you too Trystan." I drift off to sleep with him kissing my hair. 

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