The Trip

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December 16 2018

William O'Malley was excited for this.

His college was giving the entire freshman class a school trip. "I'm going to motherfucking Hawaii." He shouted.

His roommate yells at him. "Dude shut the fuck you big baby bitch."

"Shut the fuck up Granny." Will bit back.

"Stop calling me that. And be quiet I'm trying to sleep off a hangover." The shorter blond said as he walked back into his room.

"I'm glad he's on a different plane. Don't wanna sit next to his bisexual ass."

He looked back to his suitcase to go over what he had.

"Ok pants check, shirts check, underwear check, socks check, skeleton mask check, shorts check. 1911 check."

He wasn't going anywhere without his trusty handgun and he sure as hell wasn't going to leave it near Granny.

"Let's see what's on the TV." He walked over to the couch and turned on the TV.

"Breaking news, terrorist attacks in the middle East has risen. And there have been reports of a strange meteor shower off the coast of Delmarva."(Hawaii is in the other side of the U.S. in this).

"What else is new."

"We will cancel the apocalypse!" Pacific rim was on.

"Seen it a dozen times."

"The food is fucking RAW!" Gordan Ramsey yelled.

"Ah finally something good."

3 hours later

He opened the door to Granny's room. (Don't ask about the nickname. It is one of my friends and is a long story)

He was sprawled out on the floor with his bedsheets wrapped around him and a used blunt on a plate.

"Come on, get your ass up." Will said.

"Five more minutes motherfucker." He grumbled.

"Get the fuck up or I will hide your weed."

This got him up quickly.

"Come on we're leaving in ten minutes." Will said.

"Why didn't you wake me up before." He grumbled.

"Because you were basically comatose on the ground. I swear if you've been doing acid again!" Will pointed his finger.

"Don't worry bitch it's just been weed and alcohol." Granny said.

Will sighed as he walked out to let Granny get changed. That dude probably did ever drug at one pojnt or another. Will had to either save him or take the other drugs away from him to get him to stop. Needless to say that wasn't a fun time, but he probably saved his life in the long run.

He walked over to the tv to finish his episode of MasterChef while he waited for him.

Will didn't have to wait for his roommate long before he opened the door freshly changed with a duffel bag.

"Come on bitch let's go." Granny said as he walked up to the door.

He got up and grabbed his suitcase. He put on his black trenchcoat.

"You still look like a schoolshooter with that thing." Granny said.

"You say that every time I wear this, and if anything your more likely to shoot up the school."

He said nothing as he opened the door and walked into the hallway. Will followed after the dumbass.

There were buses provided for the students to take them to the airport.

Will and Granny sat next to each other mostly because they were friends and that no one elsewanted to sit next to him since the other dipshits weren't here.

Will took a nap on the way there while granny played rainbow six siege mobile on his phone.

The jostle of the bus woke him up as he looked at the airport. "You didn't bring any weed with you did you." Will asked him.

"No I would never do such a thing." He said with the greatest amount of sarcasm.

"Did you." Will asked deapan.


The two then got up and walked off the bus with their luggage.

The line through airport security was surprisingly quick and painless considering the fact that there were 200 students were going through it. Some random thing went off on Will's pantleg and they smelled weed on Granny but didn't find any. 'huh, so dipshit was telling the truth.' will thought.

Will put in his headphones as he walked to the gate with his class. Nickelback was playing in his ears as he heard his section being called.

He didn't really know anyone else in the group of students on the plane with him so he didn't even bother taking off his headphones as he handed the employee the ticket, the trenchcoat billowing slightly as he walked in. Multiple people have him weird looks for his choice of coats but he liked it and didn't care. Besides it wasn't entirely black with the green stripes going along the sleeves.

Will say in the window seat in the 17th row next to some random person.

They waited for about 20 minutes in the cramped airplane seats before the plane started to move.

The flight from Minnesota to Hawaii would take about 3 hours so he prepared himself for a long haul.

About 15 minutes into the ride he pulled out some downloaded marvel movies on his phone. He spent the next over 2 hours watching Age of Ultron.

Just as the movie ended there was a bit of turbulence. Will took off his headphones to listen to the captains announcement.

"Attention passengers tonight's meteor shower seems to have started a bit prematurely. We will be taking a slight detour to avoid any debris."

"Might as well watch this." Will said as he looked don't the window.

He could see little streaks of light passing in the distance. It looked pretty normal and he was about to boot up ironman 3 when he saw something that was dicidedly not a meteorite pass by close to the plane.

"The fuck." He said as he saw a chunk of yellow metal nearly hit the wing.

The plane shook as another smaller chunk of metal hit the wing. Causing a huge dent to appear in it.

The whole plane shook as the wing on the other side of the plane was partly destroyed by a large chunk.

Multiple hopes appeared in the ceiling of the plane as supersonic pieces of metal hit it.

He could hear the screaming coming from those who were instantly killed or hit by theshrapnel like bits.

"Holy shit." He screamed as one piece pierced right in front of him. He could see the scorched yellow metal with inner circuitry.

His scientific mind quickly thought of what it could've before his train of thought quickly was shifted to the massive shake of the entire cabin. He looked out the window only to see the right wing was completely gone.

The plane started to spiral out of the sky. "Mayday, Mayday, this is air Hawaii. We have been struck by meteorites and have taken masisve damage to the plane. We will try to make as controlled of a descent as possibly!" The captains voice echoed through the compartment.

Will quickly calculated his chances of survival as the plane got closer and closer to the ground.

"If I die, see you in Hell Granny." He said as he got into a position that would absorb the impact best.

Then everything went dark

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